Chapter 26

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Aemond knelt in the Grand Sept before the candles, mostly seeking solitude from his family. He lit one for Lucerys, still feeling that deep guilt buried within his heart. He hated the bastard Prince nearly his entire life, yet the moment Lucerys was killed, that hatred turned into mourning the boy.

It was a mix of mourning someone he did not mean to kill and mourning someone he stole from Aerea. He knew how much Luke meant to her and how protective she was of him. After he'd finished his search for Luke's body, he sat for hours along the sands and wept for what he had done. How could he face anyone after what he'd done? How would everyone view him? Aemond Targaryen, rider of the largest dragon who doesn't obey him. He felt more shame than when he didn't have a dragon at all.

Bowing his head and letting out a weak sigh, he held his hands together and began to pray softly under his breath. "It was never my intention to take your life. Had I set aside our childhood feud for once, you'd still be here. There'd be no war. I would not be sired as kinslayer. And Aerea...gods, if I could take it back I would."

Aemond was near tears, unaware of the presence that joined him on his blind side.

"I only wish for things to be as they once were. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Lucerys." Aemond's hands clutched tightly together as he sniffled out that last part. He opened his and happened to see an arm next to him, perched on the edge of the candlelit table. He turned and saw Aerea knelt next to him with her head bowed and eyes closed. Her palms pressed together over her face, not allowing him to read her expression. But she never moved or even spared him a glance. He began to stand, but then her hand reached out for his arm to gently pull him back down. She finally opened her eyes to look at him and he instantly was back on his knees.

She was broken. Her eyes bloodshot and puffy from holding back her tears. Hands trembling as her breathing slowed down. He wanted to take her into his arms, but he couldn't. If Aegon caught word of them being together at that moment, he'd kill her. He couldn't lose her. But he couldn't just leave her. Not like this. And not when she said the two words that crushed everything in him. "Please stay."

Her hands went back to each other as she turned back to silently pray. He resumed his hands together but kept his head turned towards her. Just watching her mouth the prayers in her heart. Whatever she was saying was enough to finally draw tears from her eyes. Aemond couldn't stop his hand from reaching over to her arm, his thumb gently stroking the bare skin. To his surprise, her other hand joined over his. She pursed her lips and shook her head before finally looking up at him.

"Why do you serve them then?" She asked.

"It is not that simple, Aerea." He sighed.

"Why not?"

"Do you think your mother would honestly allow my family to live after what's happened? Or your father for that matter?" His normal glare returned, but her face remained soft.

"She would if she knew the truth, Aemond." She turned towards him with both her hands holding his.

"You don't honestly believe that, do you?" He kept his composure when he realized how close they were. Their faces were just inches from each other. He could smell the scent of honey and oranges coming from her curls that draped the sides of her face freely. That sweet scent angered him, still remembering his brother's promise. "I can't."

He stormed off without another word or glance spared. And she was left there, more confused than ever at her feelings. She felt torn between forgiving him. Lucerys' death truly was an accident he felt awful for, but he still continued to serve to a family that relished in that very same death. And now it was like he couldn't stand to be around her.

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