Short Story : Storm Crown 4

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"S-sister! W-Why a-are we here?"

Veldora said while shuttering as he gulped down his saliva in nervousness. Even though the temperature of the surrounding area was negative, Veldora was sweating heavily.

"Shut up!! I want to see the disciple that big brother had taken. I heard that he is going to defeat the Demon Lord."

Velgrynd replied sharply as she looked at Veldora with her glowing eyes.

Veldora immediately shut his mouth in fright as he felt the sharp glare of her sister. The only thing that he could do was complain in his head and follow his sister quietly.

«Why are you still afraid of your sister?»

Even though Ciel asked him in a questioning tone, Veldora already knows that she is teasing him. Veldora just groaned in frustration at the question, but still, he replied arrogantly.

Afraid?! Kuhaha! I, The Great ‘Storm Dragon’ Veldora isn't afraid of anyone.’

Ciel just rolled her eyes at his reply and chuckled lightly.

Veldora hurried his pace as he followed his sister closely, afraid that if he didn't stick close to Velgrynd then his eldest sister 'Frost Dragon' Velzard would freeze him in an ice sculpture.

Unlike Velgrynd who is 'little' gentle to Veldora, Velzard is absolutely ruthless and cold. Every time Velzard tried to kill him Velgrynd was the one who always stopped her and argued with her to teach Veldora with gentleness and care.

The surroundings around Veldora and Velgrynd changed drastically as both of them reached the 'Ice Castle' located in the Frozen Continent far in the north. A place where only the strong can survive, reason?

Very simple!

Because Velzard doesn't like weaklings!

Ice was everywhere as far as Veldora could see from his eyes, ice densely covered in an overwhelming amount of magicules. Even Veldora felt his nose tingle as he felt the presence of his eldest sister.

Shit! Shit! Shit!

I'm going to die! I'm going to die!

Veldora's inner world seems to fall into chaos the moment he appeared in front of the huge castle, even Veldora, a True Dragon who has 'Natural effects Nullification' felt a little chill.

Truly other than big brother only sister is capable of doing something like this.’

Veldora silently thought to himself and stuck even closer to Velgrynd, his only backer and shield at the moment.


Ciel chuckled coldly while humping arrogantly without saying a single word. She isn't afraid of anyone in this world other than the Creator God, the 'Star Dragon' Veldanava himself.

The only individual she is cautious off.

Other than him Ciel is confident in beating every single individual with Veldora's help.

She will just take over his body and beat every angle one who dares threaten her or her plan to a pulp.

She will do anything to survive so that when the time comes she can meet her real master 'Chaos Creator' Rimuru Tempest again.

"Please stop, nobody is allowed to enter without my master Guy-Sama's permission."

A cold voice resonated in Veldora and Velgrynd's heads as a Green haired girl, wearing a maid's dress made her way toward them.

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