Short Story : Storm Crown 6

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Suddenly everything froze in its place, air, magicules even time isn't an exception. Everything that wasn't a Digital Lifeform or can manipulate ‘Information particles’ froze in their place and Ture Dragon Velgrynd wasn't an exception either.

"Fufu, to think you can even move in ‘Time Stop’ you surprised me!" Guy praised Veldora and Velzard just looked at him and sighed.

She has already expected this, she has beaten Veldora a lot of times using ‘Time Stop’. How can he still not move in Time Stop? Velzard looked at Velgrynd and shook her head in disappointment.

She wasn't even conscious.

What a disappointment.

Sister, analyze the ‘Suspended World’. I will also help you with my Ultimate Skill.

Suddenly Velgrynd heard Veldora's hasty and shaky voice in her head as her eyes shot open. Widened in surprise after what she saw, everything was gray.

Suspended World!

Velgrynd thought to herself and started to analyze the phenomenon. She has only heard about the ‘Time Stop’ ability from her sister to think Veldora can already move in this world.

You are conscious!

A surprised voice came from her big sister. She moved her eyes a little towards her sister and looked at her with her beautiful golden eyes and just smirked.

Ah! Veldora is helping you! Why are you acting all so smug?

Velzard who has long ago seen through the trick teased Velgrynd and Velgrynd closed her eyes and puffed her cheeks in annoyance.

Annoying!’— She thought and turned her attention toward the battle between Veldora and Guy.

I don't think Guy will stop time for much longer, it's meaningless. I can't hold it for much either, otherwise, I will lose! Hmph! I did not want to lose!

Veldora informed her sister as he and Guy clashed again with each other.

Veldora's eyes seemed to shine with an unusual glow as he fought with Guy, his movements also changed drastically.

Even without a sword, Veldora did not seem to be at any disadvantage or struggle against Guy.

So powerful! He is so powerful! But the master said that Veldora is the weakest!’ Rudra praised and complained at the same time as he watched the battle with anticipation and excitement.

Come ‘Dragon Sword’ I summon you.’

Suddenly a cold voice resounded in the frozen world, and in front of Veldora appeared a straight sword that seemed to be surrounded by an extraordinary aura.

Unlike Guy's curved sword, this sword was beautiful to look at with a straight blade, and black handle with golden streaks.

With just a call the sword appeared in the ‘Suspended World’ without any resistance.

Everyone present, even Veldora felt a chill run down his spine as he looked at the sword in front of him. The sword seems to have its own will and refuses Veldora at first but after sensing something inside Veldora it gives up resistance and cooperates happily with Veldora.

The whole thing took very little time and nobody else seemed to notice the resistance that the blade showed.

Guy sensed the danger and let go of the ‘Time Stop’. He can't be careless while facing Veldora with a mythical class sword.

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