Short Story : Storm Crown 12

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"So… What is the reason for your sudden visit," Ramiris asked while shipping the tea, her eyes wandered around Veldora and finally stopped at his face." Ah! You are as good as ever, I can't see through you."

"Whahaha! Only I, with my ‘Milim Eyes’, can see through my uncle's power." Milim said as she heard Ramiris remark and then again busy herself in munching the cookies.

"That's aside! I want to ask, did Demon Lord Leon visit you recently?" Veldora asked while completely ignoring her previous remarks, Ciel has trained him, do you think you can see through him without any skills like Milim?

Ramiris eyes widened slightly, as she put her hands on her mouth. 

"How did you know? Even Guy did not know about his secret visit."

"Hmm, for what? I can tell he is doing summoning rituals very frequently after visiting you," Veldora asks while narrowing his eyes, his eyes flickered coldly as they looked at Ramiris without any emotions.

‘Ha-ha-ha! So cool! The interrogation series was worth reading.’ Veldora thought internally. 

"H-He asked me some questions about summoning a specific person, I mean how abused! So I threw him out. Hmm, ah! He also took some random spirits." Ramiris replied while sweating nervously, the one-sided battle between him and Milim was still fresh in her mind.

Veldora starts to ponder what Ramiris has told him. 



Veldora nodded after hearing her answer. His eyes became a little soft and a wide grin appeared on his face as he saw Ramiris's pale face, as he laughed and told her the real reason for his sudden visit.

"Ga-ha-ha-ha! Don't fret, I'm only here to ask if you want to move to my place! You didn't have anything to do and some of your people are in Jura forest." 

"Jura forest? Move? What!!"

Ramiris was too surprised after hearing Veldora's proposal, you have to know that even Milim, his niece, wasn't allowed to live in ‘Jura Forest’ and he is asking her to move. 

"Don't be surprised, I want to build a new nation in Jura Forest for my sworn brother. He will be reborn in 300 years, and I need your and your labyrinth's help in making that nation."

Veldora said seriously, even Milim was a little surprised after hearing his idea. 

"My help? The only thing I could do was, build a labyrinth. Ah! Ha! Don't tell me you need my labyrinth to absorb your leaking magicules."

Ramiris suddenly enlightened as she thought about it.

"Yes, but it can also attract a lot of adventures… It's complicated, I will tell you the full details in the future. I will visit again in 200 years." 

After discussing a few more matters Veldora and Milim left the Labyrinth and returned to ‘Jura Forest’ 

Veldora has built his house exactly in the same exact place where Chole has sealed him in the past. Why? Because if he did not, maybe future Rigurd or Banimaru may disappear. 

Thank God he has Ciel and ‘Probability Manipulation’ otherwise…

He did not want to think about it. Ciel law manipulation and other skills along with his probability manipulation are a sight to behold.

He is too op!

Time flowed steadily and two hundred years passed in a flash, Veldora again visited Ramiris along with Milim who for some reason arrived on the same day as he was about to visit Ramiris. 

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