Chapter 5 [The Dark]

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"Figure I can't keep reading this." I was sobbing my lungs out as if this was the saddest thing I've ever witnessed in my life. "That's too cruel of him!"

"Aww, come on." Figure shouldered me. "That's just a story."

"If I was him, I wouldn't kill the one I love for the world, I'd kill the world for the one I love." I stated which made Figure zone out for a moment. He then sighed like he remembered something awful and muttered.

"...Yeah. I'd do that too, only if I was able to, back in time." (LOOOREE???😨)

I wiped my tears. "Would you kill the world for me?"

"I- Seek, do you want me to tell you that I love you?" said Figure, caught off guard. "If so I-"

"No no no no, I'm sorry if you got that wrong. I was saying... I am your best friend?" I said trying to rectify the situation.

"No, don't involve the best friend. I would do anything for you..." Figure's shoulders tensed up "...uh, for you to live."

"Thank you." I said, slightly disappointed because of the last words he added. I then rested my head on his shoulder and closed my eye, started listening to the sounds of the rain. 

"This is cruel too." I mumbled.


"It just snowed yesterday. And the rain is wiping off every residue now..." We stayed silent. Then the silent broke with Figure's soft voice.

"But it's for the better to come. Snow is happiness, rain comes and wipes it off. But then the rain becomes snow and pours for the better, the fresh, the untrodden snow. Everything we experience is just for the better." Figure stopped and catched his breath. "For an example, a certain thing gives you joy, but then they steal it off your hands. After you suffer for a certain amount of time, something better comes by. And then they take it too from you in the end..." 

Figure sighed again and lowered his head. Might it be because of... something about his past that he didn't tell me? (LOOOREE???????😨) 

I, realising something started bothering him, hugged him tightly for some company and muttered.

"I love the way you see the world, Figure."

It was silent again. Until Figure sneezed.


"Why are you apologising? I will get you some tissues." I took my arms off of Figure and stood up. Figure sneezed again and responded quickly. 

"There's some on the librarian table."

I walked down the stairs and started making my way to the table. After searching around a bit on the table, I found the tissues and grabbed them. I then turned around to go back to our couch and saw Figure between the shelves. I couldn't help but watch him. He was the best scenery I've ever seen in my life. I mean, I guess I was the only one that considered him as a "scenery". But he was adorable enough to be the whole film himself that I would watch without blinking... 

I slapped myself. What was I doing? I was sounding like a total creep. 

"Seek? Are you okay?" Figure shouted across the library. Oh god, he probably heard the slap. Since he has high hearing. I made up some dumb excuse and shouted back. 

"Uhm, yeah! I slipped. No need to worry."

I rushed to the stairs and walked up the steps two by two. Then I gave Figure the tissues and he put them near him. I looked at him in confusion. 

"Why would you want tissues if you're not going to use them and just put them aside? Wait, how do you even use tissues, may I ask?"

"You better not." 

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