Chapter 33 [Villain]

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Screech POV:

"I still think we should've had brought Seek with us." I mumbled.

"It would've been pretty risky-" Figure cut off Guiding Light's sentence.

"I don't understand you." Figure took a deep breath in, his voice got more shakier the more he talked. "How come it is so risky if we brought him with us but it's not risky when he is left alone in that cage of his? What if that 'Void' thing you're talking about attacks him and we wouldn't even know?"

"Listen, if it was going to attack him it would've already done tha-"

"I'm so fucking tired of your excuses Guiding Light. And you guys, let me show you all something." Figure turned to the others and rolled up his sleeve. "I hurt myself every night thinking of Seek. You guys didn't even said his name ever since we locked him up, I feel like he never existed and was just an imaginary person I created in my mind because of how you all pretended like he was never real. Be honest, did you guys actually give a shit about him?"


"No? Yeah right, that's what I thought." Figure pushed Guiding Light out of his way and broke down the wooden door, leaving all of us behind. He stood at where he was and lowered his shoulders. "I'm tired of being the sweet, considerate, caring person that always acts positive." He kicked a residue of the door he just broke. "Seek doesn't deserve to get saved by any of you, excluding a few entities - they know who they are."

All of us waited in silence as we watched him go straight into one of the rooms without struggling or bumping into anything. It was like if he gained vision. Is this what love makes you do?

"W-Wait, düd!" El Goblino rushed through the door, Jeff following after him with Bob on his shoulder.

I grabbed Eyes's hand and we went after them.

Figure POV:

I sat down and brought my knees close to my chest.

Only if I wasn't blind... Everything could've been better and easier. Why did Seek even choose me? There was a lot of nice guys out there. 

How am I even going to save him? I will definitely die myself trying to save Seek.

But I shouldn't lose hope. Even though I'm tired of being positive...

"Figure..." Jeff mumbled. I didn't even realise they were staring at me. "You know we will help you and Seek get through this right?"

"Yeah, düd! I haven't seen mi amor in ages and I really miss her. I know how you feel. Muy triste. I won't let you go through the same things I've went through!"

Somebody approached me and held my wrist. "We might be so close to saving Seek! Cheer up, don't you want to get revenge on that being that made you guys fall apart?" Screech's inky hand reminded me of Seek. I realised how much I missed getting in touch with him.

"I don't know..." I lowered my head. "What if we never achieve what we want?"

"That book could be anywhere!" Eyes said. "Listen to Screech, we could be one step away from reaching it. Will you really give up now?"

I sighed. "No..."

"Then come on!" Ambush barged into the room. "I really miss the times when we used to mock you two."

"Yeah," Rush said. "will you just let go of those memories, on your way to create nothing like those memories ever again?"

"What about the book you gifted to Seek?" Hide added.

"You guys still haven't read that book did ya?" Jack continued Hide's sentence.

Everybody kept coming in the room one by one. I listened to every sentence and took every sentence deep into my heart.

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