Chapter 8 [New Friends]

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Seek POV:

I woke up, it was pretty early. I didn't remember anything at first. But then every piece came together. When I remembered about what happened last night, thoughts just started blowing up my mind again. Today could possibly be the day I get rid of Shadow and Window. 

I slapped myself again angrily and sat in my bed until I heard some knocking on my door. 

"Are you awake?" said the person outside my room. Yeah, this was Figure. I mean, who else would come and check on me? If I lose Figure, I'm basically doomed. What if he would leave me slowly if he started dating another? Or, what if we start dating and then we get separated? Who would care about me then? I would only have Screech left...

As I was getting lost in my thoughts again, I forgot I had to reply to Figure. I was going to make myself sick. "Just don't think..." I said to myself and responded to Figure.

"Yeah, you can come in."

The door opened and I heard Figure's footsteps fill the room. "How have you slept?" He asked. As much as I wanted to reply with "I haven't even got any sleep last night because of your actions", I knew that would make Figure offended. And also I was the one that decided to stay awake all night. 

"I think I only had one hour of sleep..." I mumbled. Then I laughed awkwardly. "Because of nightmares, don't worry."

He came near me and sat on my bed next to me. "Did you... have dreams about your past again?" Figure's thought was a great excuse for me to use. So I just went along with the scenario and nodded, just to remember nodding wouldn't give an answer to him.

"I did." I said.

"You can vent to me about it." Figure smiled. Great, now I have to make up a nightmare...

"Uhm... I..."

"Oh!" Figure waved his hands fastly in the air. "You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to! I just wanted to help."

I smiled aswell and squeezed his hand. "Don't worry about it. But I was actually curious about one thing..." I waited for a second, then shook my head. "...Nevermind." 

Figure POV:

He was acting a bit strange. I think it was about last night, so I decided to apologise. I think by suddenly leaving, I made him a bit upset.

"I'm sorry about leaving suddenly yesterday." I said.

"It's fine." He replied.

I needed to make sure I don't do anything bad or stupid to upset him today. So I started a random conversation about how the people that just kept coming to The Hotel over and over again were so annoying, I wanted him to see that there was nothing wrong between us. Then I remembered.

"Uhh, G-Light had some annoucement to do I guess. She wants us to go to the cafeteria."

I felt Seek shrugging. "Okay, I guess." He said and we got up at the same time. I waited a bit for him to extend his hand to me, but he didn't. And surprisingly enough, he started walking away. Fuck, did I do something wrong? Could it be because of me acting cold yesterday?

"Why?" I asked.


"Aren't we going to hold hands?" I said curiously. He made an "oh" sound and grabbed my right hand. Then he started leading me to the cafeteria. I really hope he just forgot to hold my hand, it's no big deal though, right?

Screech POV:

I was having breakfast with the other entities, as usual. Guiding Light was waiting for Seek and Figure, as in other name the "lovebirds" to come. After I heard their footsteps, I turned to the entrance.  

Hold My Hand [Seek x Figure]Where stories live. Discover now