Chapter 24 [Nightmare]

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Seek POV:

"Move your crusty dusty blind ass out of my face!"

"Rude." Figure got out of the way.


"Shut up Seek. Why in God's name are we spying on them this early?"

"Because they got up just now and we have to watch their every move."

"Mhm mhm sure." 

I rolled my eye to Figure's sentence and held into him not to fall. We were inside a large closet that's in the cafeteria, and we were waiting for them to come. Even though the closet was large we were hardly able to fit in together.

Figure sighed. "Are you even sure they're going to come here?"

"Hmm, yeah. I guess. What I mean is Screech and Eyes always come here this early, and have breakfast before all the entities had breakfast together. At least they used to. So now that Screech will probably not come, because Eyes won't invite him, he will come here with Curious Light instead. At least that's what I think."

"That doesn't make sense at all. But we will give it a try, I guess."

"And don't forget that we have to get out of here the second they leave, because the entities will arrive soon after Eyes and Curious Light left. You don't want to get caught in 4K getting out of a closet with me, right?"

"Yeah Seek, yeah. Everybody already understood, stop worrying about it. Nobody can ruin us."

"If you say soo..."

Figure was about to talk again but we heard the cafeteria doors being pushed open.

"I love this place!" Eyes said.

"Aren't you going to invite Screech?" 

"Nahh, he will come himself."

I heard a "sigh" from Curious Light. Damn bro, even Curious Light cares. But not Eyes, his best friend for over 3 years?

"Whatever you say, go sit. What do you want?" Curious Light mumbled.


"What do you want to eat?"

"Ohh, right. Whatever you get for yourself twice that for me."

I saw Curious Light nodding from the gap of the closet. I stood tiptoed and whispered to Figure.

"I'm sure you hear everything. Curious Light nodded and now she's going to get breakfast."

Figure raised his thumb. He was probably not taking the risk of being loud. Curious Light's steps got louder, she passed in front of us, and her steps got quieter again. I heard some plate clink sounds. Curious Light passed in front of us again and she sat in front of Eyes.

"Wow, never knew you liked french fries." Eyes said as he chewed the french fries.

"Mhm." Curious Light ate a few fries and remained silent.

"I- Is something wrong?"

"I don't think Screech will come, I'll go see if he woke up and if he did I'm going to bring him here."

I heard Eyes sigh. Curious Light got up from her chair and started walking her way out of the cafeteria.

I whispered in the most quiet tone possible, knowing Figure will hear it anyway.

"I don't think Eyes really wants Screech to come, I think he wants to spend alone time with Curious Light."


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