Chapter 26 [Beaten Up]

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Screech POV:

I helped Seek remain stood up all the way and brought him to his room successfully. I warned him to sleep and I'm standing outside his room now. What happened so suddenly? He doesn't have any fever or symptom of illnesses. He most definitely was tired.

"Screech!" I turned my head to the direction where my name was called from. It was Guiding Light. "Can you come here for a second?"

"Sure." I shrugged and walked up to her. "What's wrong?"

"Is Seek okay? I saw you helping him for him to walk properly. It didn't look like he was struggling and all, but I'm worried anyway."

"Oh... him?" I looked away and rubbed my chin. "I don't really know too... We were talking together and he suddenly passed out, but he woke up after like 5 seconds though."

"Oh, alright. Did he realise he passed out?"

"Nope, he had no clue."

"That must mean he doesn't pass out often, so he's not used to it and has no clue too. Does he have any reasons, I mean did he tell you anything?"

"No, but I think he passed out because he was tired."

"No shit he definitely didn't." Guiding Light started rubbing her chin like me too. "He doesn't easily get tired, he can stay up two weeks and still not pass out."

"What do you think, then?"

"I don't know. I'm going now," Guiding Light started walking away. "inform me if anything happens."

"Got you!"

Now that she is gone, Seek is sleeping, I can't talk to Eyes, Figure is probably busy, I'm alone then.

Figure POV:

This is taking so damn long! The human still didn't escape, neither did I catch him. I'm starting to think he's annoying me on purpose. Or I'm taking his sin, and he's just trying to solve how to get out. It's been over 20 minutes, this shouldn't be too hard though. I mean if they managed to escape from Seek successfully, this library shouldn't be too hard to escape from, too. Or Seek just sucks.

"God damn it." A slight whisper was heard from the corner next to the stairs. "How do you solve this shit?"

"Let me explain it to you, you use your brain."

Before the human was able to shout I teared his head apart. "Just like that, it's done. YA YEET!" I threw his head from one end to the other and it went out the window. Realising what I've done, a slight "oops" came out from my mouth. Guiding Light boutta whip my ass for breaking the goddamn window.

But what can I do, that human was annoying as heck. Getting my anger out on his head was the best thing I can do.

Oh, right. Better visit Seek! He must've been worried.


I moved the closet that was opening to the hangout place, crouched to fit and got out. After moving it back to it's place, I started making my way to Seek's room, he was probably there.

"Oi, you!" An inky hand like Seek's held my wrist and stopped me from knocking. "Don't go in there, he's sleeping."

"Alright." I lifted up Screech's hand from my wrist. "You should really go back to being a ball, man. I miss the times where we used you as a football."

"EXCUSE ME? YOU MISSED THOSE TIMES?? WELL NO SHIT! I'VE LEARNED HOW TO FORM A BODY, I'M NEVER GOING BACK TO BEING A BALL AGAIN!-" I placed my hand on his mouth and held my index finger in front of mine.

Hold My Hand [Seek x Figure]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora