Chapter 17 [Human]

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Seek POV:

"So, don't leave yet. I have another thing." Guiding Light clapped her hands and continued. "This might be weird, or sound like a nonsense to y'all. But, say, do you guys want to mingle with humans?" She smiled brightly. "Like, like mingle mingle, you know? You all will get to hang out around those humans you always kill." 

Everybody gasped, some looked furious and angry while some looked questioning and confused. I was in the "questioning and confused" group - because, why would Guiding Light suddenly suggest something like this? 

I coughed to get attention and raised my right hand. "I'm sorry but, why?" I took a glance at the others, they all looked at me, then Guiding Light, and nodded. "Is there a specific reason you're making us do this?"

"I'm not making you do this, Seek." Guiding Light answered. "I thought enjoying a different activity would be nice for you guys." She smiled widely and squinted her eyes with pride. "You all have been doing a good job at protecting The Hotel these recent days, and I think y'all are exhausted. Come on, don't lie."

She looked at some of us, waiting for an answer. Some of the entities nodded slightly and smiled. Guiding Light continued after getting the answers she was waiting for.

"I just want you all to spend some time together and have fun. Though, I'm afraid I won't be coming with y'all." She lowered her head, I could see the light in her eyes going dim... what was wrong? "I have some important work to do."

I was scared that these dumb entities were going to mess some things up, I still didn't find the things Guiding Light said reasonable. I mean, can't we just celebrate our hard work another day, when she isn't busy with things? I feel like she's trying to wipe us away from her business. I really don't have a good feeling about what's going on behind the scenes...

"I'm sorry Guiding Light but have you lost your mind?" Ambush tilted his head, for the first fucking time he was being smart. "We can't just go to the outside world, looking like these! We need to look fancy! Can't you at least give us some time to dress up?" ...I take back what I said just now.

"And I just thought you were being smart for once..." Rush facepalmed. I laughed and exclaimed.


El Goblino shook his head and talked. "We're serious, düd. We can't just go outside looking like these! Are you even aware of what the hombres outside will think of us? They'll all run away!"

"I'm well aware of that." Guiding Light claimed. "And the main thing is this, actually! YOU are going to be humans!"

Everybody looked shocked including me. Some started to yell, some started to whisper to each other in confusion. I just shook my head and shut my eye off. "I'm just going to tell you this Guiding Light; I'll never agree to being one of those pesky humans again ever." 

"Oh come on Seek!" Jack rolled his eyes, or at least that was what I saw - it was hard to tell because his eyes were hiding behind a pitch black fog like thing. "Don't mess this up for us now! Just think about how much fun we can have if we agree, man!" I just remained silent and averted my eye from him. I didn't want to be that disgusting two color eyed freak again, but now I was feeling like I was annoying everyone.

"Fine, I will consider it..." I muttered.

"It's just for a temporary time, y'all will be back to your entity forms once you all are done hanging out." Guiding Light said. "You guys will get to see each other as humans, doesn't that sound cool? Also, I'm thinking you guys could have a little fun with the people, but don't overdose it. All your powers will be disabled, I'm pretty sure. But that doesn't matter, does it?"

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