Chapter 29 [One Painful Fight]

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Third Person POV:

All the entities except Seek was standing in front of the cage that was covered in dust, rust and spider webs with various sizes.

"Why would we lock him here?" Jack asked, while staring at Seek, who was unconsciously sitting on the cold, rough floor. Figure turned around and walked away from the others, then rested his back on the wall behind the entities. Even though he was blind, he still didn't want to face a pitiful Seek. Screech was crying at another corner, with Eyes beside him, who was trying to apologise and also comfort his best friend at the same time. No matter how much he asked why Screech was crying, Screech kept his mouth shut.

Guiding Light took a step forward and lowered her head, most likely to imply she was feeling terrible. "Seek has a disease, where he loses his sanity." She stopped and took a breath in. "Or you could call that 'going crazy'. He'll forget all of us at some point."

Figure sighed and kept his head lowered while talking. "He'll also be unable to control himself, and get more and more dangerous over the days."

Everybody turned at Figure, they were surely feeling bad, as it could be told from their face expressions.

"We thought we had so much more time but..." Guiding Light continued. "It has been over 2 months since he had this disease."

"WHAT?" Screech shouted across the room. "WHY WOULDN'T YOU TELL US?!"

"You all know Seek had some kind of issue, am I right? He always had breakdowns for several reasons." Guiding Light said. "And we all thought it was normal, and that it was something Seek had to live with."

Figure hit the wall behind him with his fist slowly and turned his head to the opposite direction of where the entities are. "But it wasn't." He continued Guiding Light's sentence. "It was actually a symptom, and was given to us as a warning since months, that the illness was slowly coming to get Seek."

"So basically Seek had this disease incoming for months but we only thought it's been two or three days, so that's why I thought it was strange. But he only had the anxiety symptom before." 

"What're the other symptoms?" Ambush mumbled.

Figure raised his hand and started counting on his fingers. "Getting angry over everything, passing out suddenly, and getting dangerous - we already said the last one."

Everyone went silent and started thinking about what's going to happen. Halt took a step forward and stood next to his sister.

"I don't want Seek to be treated like this... This is terrible."

"Neither do I." Figure turned around and punched the wall hardly. "FUCK IT!"

"We have nothing we could do." Guiding Light turned around and pushed the door open, then got out. Screech stood up and shouted behind her.


Then he broke down crying again. Eyes rushed to help his friend. Soon, all the entities were gone except Figure.

"Why hello my light..." he shut the door. " the darkness I couldn't escape from."

Figure heavily walked up to the cage Seek was in, it was so hard for him to stand up properly because of how his legs, and even his whole body was shaking.

"I always wished to see you again..." Figure sat on the cold floor, in front of Seek. "But now I'm grateful I don't get to see you... See the pain you're in."

Only the cage beetween Seek and Figure was blocking Figure from hugging his love. Figure extended his hand, which was shaking exaggeratedly, and held the poles of the cage.

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