Chapter 22 [Fixing]

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Seek POV:

I was curled up in a ball, sitting on my bed, comfy blankets on top of me. I sighed and got up. Hearing the sounds of heavy rain, maybe rain was the only thing that comforts me. I opened the pale red curtains. As I pulled open the windows, I shuddered because of how the wind blew, and surrounded my room. I extended my hand outside, feeling the rain. I smiled, remembering my old, slightly faded memories.

The thunderstorm was so heavy, I felt like there was an earthquake. With every sudden flashing, I covered my ears, getting ready for the incoming loud thunder. In every thunder, I cried even more. I was alone in this dark room, nobody by my side, only me, trying to comfort myself. It was so cold, and I didn't have anything on me, just an old, short sleeved white shirt. I lit a candle I use to read books, but the wind destroyed it in seconds. Suddenly my door cracked open. My mom came in with a black jacket in her hands. "Wear this, it'll keep you warm." she said and she threw the jacket on the ground, then left.

I found myself looking at the black jacket, that is way too small for me to fit in now. Maybe my family wasn't that bad after all.

Even if they left me to rot in that damned bedroom for years. I tried to remember their names. I tried to remember my name. 


I was Seek now, and I already accepted it. I was an entity, that had a job to kill any human who dares to enter the hotel, in other name our home, with many other entities, that I call friends. But somehow, one of them was more than a friend to me. And that person was waiting in front of my door now.

"It's me, Figure. Can I come in?" he said as he knocked on the door silently.

I sighed and closed the windows, lefting the curtains open. "Yes."

Figure opened the door, stepping in looking worried. "You're fine, right?" I kept my mouth shut and walked up to him. I held his hand and dragged him to my bed. (bro i swear if anyone understands this dirtily, im going to come to your house and kill you in your sleep.) 

I sat on my bed, patting the bed for him to sit next to me. He understood and sat next to me.

"I'm such an attention seeker, aren't I?" I said. "You're the topic, you should be the one to get the attention, not me. I just keep turning the arrows towards me. I should comfort you, not you comforting me."

"Don't call yourself that." He turned me around and laid my head on his lap. "I've done everything successfully, don't worry. I gave Shadow his lesson, he won't have the guts to even look at us again. Window already confessed what they did, he regrets everything he did for Shadow."

"I don't blame Window... He just wanted his crush to be proud of him." I sighed. "So, were they really the ones that messed up the library?"

Figure nodded. "I also convinced everyone to help us fix the library, so no worries about that too. They happily accepted."


Figure suddenly smiled like he remembered something. "So, are you still in for this night?~"

My eye widened open. I didn't think he was serious about that!

"Uhhh... I-"

"I don't care about your answers, shortie. We'll do it anyway."

"If you say so..." I chuckled.

He picked me up and jumped off the bed. 

"Now, I want my shortie to eat something." (DIRTY MIND.) "I don't want you to be hungry."

He carried me all the way to the cafeteria.

"Pfft- We pretty much leveled up I guess, huh? Not us holding hands, you holding me instead."

He smiled and put me down on the chair where we always sit. "So, what do you want to eat?"

"Hmm... waffles? I don't know."

"Right away!" He ran to get the waffles. Suddenly I felt a hand on my arm.

"Psst, dad." Screech was looking at me. When I saw him he smiled. "Can we have a family dinner since Figure is here too?"

"Sure, grab a chair and come."

Screech ran away, grabbed a chair, and quickly came back. He placed the chair where he would face the window. As we were having our own talk I saw Figure coming back with three plates of waffles in his hands.

"I heard Screech come so I grabbed some for him too." Figure said as he placed the plates in front of us and himself.

"Hi! Thank you." Screech said.

"Y'know Screech, you don't sound like the kid who choked me to death and threatened me." Figure smiled.

"Wait, SCREECH DID WHAT?" I shouted.

Screech facepalmed and sighed. "First of all, I didn't choke you do death, I just held your collar. Second of all, I never threatened you, I just gave you some life advice."

"Now stop right there." I lifted up my hands. "What the fuck happened?"

"Go on, Screech." Figure said.

"Uhh well, I... Uhm."


"Okay okay, it wasn't that big of a deal though. I kind of started a fight with Figure, the day he hanged out with El Goblino Jeff and Bob. I tried to convince him to go talk with you, and uhh, yeah."

"Well, since everything is fine now, don't let it happen again." I said.

Screech nodded in relief. I think he thought I was going to beat him to death. Well, Figure is my one and only but Screech is also my son that I would do anything for.

We talked randomly and ate our waffles for half an hour.

"Ah." I checked the time. "Looks like we better get to work."


"A human will probably come by tomorrow so we better fix the library."


Me, Screech and Figure informed the others and took them with us to the library. Including Window, excluding Shadow and Bob, we all started placing the books to where they should be.

After two hours it was already done.

I sighed and wiped away the sweat off my forehead with the back of my hand.

"DONE!" Ambush shouted.

"I don't feel my arms..." Hide fell on the ground.

"What now?"

"I'll try to fix the rest." Guiding Light said. "But you guys might need to get out."

Everybody nodded. We all got out and started waiting in the mini library before the 50th door. Soon some loud luminescence sounds were causing a literal earthquake. Blue lights could be seen through gaps of the huge doors.

"I think she's evolving." Timothy literally clarified the situation. After his sentence everything got silent.

"I think we can go in now." I said. I looked at the others to know what they think. They shrugged. I shrugged too and pushed open the library doors. It was better than before!

"Oh, Figure!" I shouted. "It's even better than before, so you have nothing to worry about."

"If you say so I know it is." He smiled.

"Ehh, I think I've been using way too much energy these recent days." Guiding Light said.

"Right, don't make yourself tired for us." Jack said.

"I'mma head out, see you guys." Guiding Light teleported. The rest of us got to the hangout place. Me and Figure stayed in the hallway as the others went to the cafeteria.

Figure made an "heh" sound.


Third Person POV:

Figure lifted up Seek and kicked open the door of his room. He threw Seek on the bed and locked the door.

Some sounds were heard.



Word Count: 1232

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