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«I like shiny things, but I'd marry you with paper rings, Uh huh, that's right, Darling, you're the one I want, and I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this, Uh huh, that's right, Darling, you're the one I want, In paper rings, in, picture frames, in dirty dreams, Oh, you're the one I want»

'Paper Rings'
Taylor Swift


Today is Clover and I's 7 year anniversary. We've made a yearly pact that we will go out to the field where we got back together on that same day. This time, she's going to get a huge surprise.

I've already told everyone and they're there setting up and finding places to secretly watch from. There's a photographer and I'm sure Maddy will film it.

If you're that slow and haven't realized it yet, I'm proposing to Clover. I've been wanting to do it since forever and now just feels like the right time. We've both graduated college and have a stable working environment, so I think we're ready.

To her, today is just going to be an average day and then, when she's least expecting it, I'll get down on one knee and profess my undying love for her. That's a bit dramatic but oh well. It's true.

I picked her up around 1:00pm and we made our way over to the field. "So, are we doing the same old picnic and uno date?" she asked. "Yeah, why? We can do something different if you'd like." I was hoping to God she would say no, but she said yes.

"Maybe we can go on a bike ride on that same trail. The picnic is kind of repetitive."

"Sure. Let's do the picnic first though so we can eat. Afterwards we can rent the bikes. How does that sound?"

"You've already set it, up haven't you?"


She chuckled. "Then that sounds great."

When we arrived at the field, I tried stalling her as long as possible because Miguel didn't respond to my text and I wasn't sure if they were done setting up yet.

"Did they plant new trees there? Clover, look." I spun her around to stop her from walking away. "Mason, are you okay?" My eyes widened for a second. "I'm fine! Are you okay?"


Great going, Mason. You're making her suspicious. "Let's go. I want to see what you did!" She grabbed my hand and started walking off to our usual spot. "Yeah, me too." I mumbled. "What was that?"


We made it to the top of the hill and there it was. A picnic blanket with an array of food with fairy lights above it. There was a basket of Barbie DVD's for her since they're her favorite. She ran to that first. No shock there.

"This is incredible! Thank you, Mason." she exclaimed, hugging me tight. "It really is. I wasn't expecting it to look this good." Clover furrowed her brows. "What?"

"I mean, I wasn't expecting to pull it off and make it look so perfect. I'm glad I did though."

"Me too." She pecked my cheek and went to sit down. I followed closely behind her. "You made turkey sandwiches! I love those!" I laughed at her. "I know. You've told me a thousand times." She lightly punched my shoulder. "Smart ass."

After we ate, Vera was persistent about going to get the bikes. "Please! You promised!" she groaned. "I didn't promise anything." I readjusted the ring box in my pocket. "Here. Come here." I grabbed her hand, leading her to where the photographer said she would be.

It was in the middle of a flower field. Daisies. "My favorite! They're so beautiful." While she was distracted by the white petals, I took the ring out from my pocket and knelt down. She turned around and looked down at me. A gasp came out of her and she cupped her face with her hands.

I opened the box, revealing the gorgeous diamond ring. "Ever since the day I met you, I knew I loved you. The way your hair falls effortlessly into place and how your smile could light up a room. I was mesmerized by you. You're shining brown eyes always had me on another adventure whenever I looked into them. We had a rough beginning, but we made it through. We've experienced highs and lows together. Whenever we lost our spark, we somehow found a way to make it light again. You're the wind beneath my wings and I don't know what I would do without you. Clover Jean Young, will you do me the honor of marrying me?"

We were both crying now. She nodded her head. "Yes! Yes! A billion times yes!" she shouted. Everyone jumped out of hiding and cheered for us. I stood up and we shared a long, heartfelt kiss.

Maddy ran over and hugged us both. She was basically sobbing her eyes out. I slid the ring onto her finger and she went off to show her parents. My parents came over and congratulated me with hugs. "That was beautiful, Mace." Brooke said, wiping tears from her face. "I'm so proud of you." She pulled me in for a hug.

Everyone was chatting in small groups now. I walked over to Becca, Maddy, Brooke, and Clover. "I can't wait to go dress shopping! We're gonna find you the perfect wedding dress!" Becca said excitedly. Maddy's smile dropped.

"Wait. Who's gonna be the maid of honor?" Maddy asked. Clover looked dumbfounded at Becca, Maddy and Brooke. "Umm...




THANK YOU THANK THANK YOUUU ❤️❤️❤️🤭🤭😙😙😙☺️☺️🤪🤪🤪🥹🥹🥹😭😭😭

Ambivalence • Mason ThamesWhere stories live. Discover now