Chapter 40: Just a little trip

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Ashley's POV

Mom kept her strong gaze on me, staring directly into my eyes as a range of emotions flashed across her face. The tears on my cheeks weren't helping her worry any less. Without question, she looked like she was expecting the worst.

The look on her face told me, "How bad is it?".

I knew I had to tell her the truth. Maybe then I'd be able to gather the courage to tell Tristan and face whatever consequences that follow.

This wasn't really something you just throw in your parents' faces. I was just about to tell her that I'd disregarded all the morals and values she'd ever taught me. I continued with this despite knowing it was wrong. That's why I was in this position. That wasn't an easy thing for most parents to hear.

The pressure building up inside me only increased my anxiety. The thought of someone being at our front door wasn't helping either, but if one thing was clear, I needed to be out with it now.

"You are starting to scare me, Ashley. What is it?" Mom asked as she pulled me out of my limbo state.

My mom has never been the kind to ignore any house guests, even when I suggested that we pretend we weren't home when her gossiping work friends wanted to visit.

The fact that she too was ignoring the person at our front door suggested that she too might have realized that this was serious.

"It's about the baby" I began, my words barely audible. But she heard me. "I...."

There was a loud thump that came from upstairs. It startled me and I nearly lost my balance.

It sounded like a few boxes had fallen.

"Sorry!" I heard Katy yell upstairs.

Mom turned away from me, shaking her head in disapproval of whatever stunt Katy had just pulled off.

Mom's face now appeared to be more relaxed as she let out a deep sigh. Katy seemed to have diverted Mom's attention. "I realize that you are really scared about this whole experience, and I understand that. Believe me, it will all be alright. It may seem like everything is just slipping out of control but that's just the process of adjusting. I was scared too and I got through it." She smiled. I was now confused, what exactly was she talking about? "I know that it's scary having a baby. You are probably going through a range of emotions. It's alright to feel scared. I want you to know that I'll be there for you." She smiled at me reassuringly.

That was not what I intended at all. I didn't need her to commit to a grandchild that didn't exist.

Why was it that whenever I tried to be honest, things never turn out as planned? It always leaves me in a worsened position. The universe must have been trying to get back at me. Everything was going to blow up in my face.

"No, it's something else," I said wiping away my tears. This time my voice was more persistent.

The doorbell rang again. This person had the worst timing. It better not be one of our neighbours asking for butter again.

Mom's attention was now diverted as she looked towards the door. "I think that I need to get that. The person has been there for a while," Mom said dismissively. She stepped away from me, heading towards the door.

I was left with an empty space in front of me as mom rushed to answer the door.

As always, I was too late because I was too much of a coward to speak up any sooner.

Loud footsteps on the staircase soon followed along with an out-of-breath Katy who was not fully dressed for school. She jumped down the last couple of stairs, landing a step away from me.

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