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One punch.

One kick.

Two strikes with the belt.

The same thing on repeat after awhile my whole body starts to feel numb. This happens every night he does this every night and I can't do anything to stop it. He repeats thus every night until I can't move but even after all that he forces me to go up the stairs just too see me suffer. I don't wanna do this anymore. I can't. As soon as lunch starts I'm leaving, skipping town to somewhere I will never be able to see his disgusting face ever aga-

Ring Ring

Flinching I suddenly realized I was zoning out during class. I stand up collecting my books when I can feel my back burn as I squeeze my eyes shut as if it would help with the pain but when I look up I see Mrs.Carter staring at me with a soft but worried expression. I sighed as I tried to make my way to the door but I knew it wouldn't be that easy.

She's been suspecting something has been going on but she's never tried anything but giving me subtle but obvious advice like 'You know I'm here for you right?' or 'I just saw the counselor walk past just now if you want me to help you talk to her' but I always brush her off with a 'no thanks' or 'maybe next time' and then I rush off to the cafeteria before she could say anything else.

"Hey! AJ wait up I thought we could at least talk fo-" I don't know what it was but something inside me just snapped maybe it was because just was tired of her pity or it was all the pressure for this plan not to mess up.

"Look Mrs. Carter I really appreciate it but for once can I leave without you trying to pressure me to open up more or go talk to some random stranger about my personal life just because you assume things I really would like it if you just stop ok I'm fine!"

She looked at me in shock and I can't blame her, I'm just as shocked as she is but my face doesn't seem to show it.

My mouth hangs open as I try to stammer out an excuse but I couldn't think of one so I just whisper a soft sorry as I rush to the cafeteria to get some food and then I'll leave just like I planned.

I walk for a while until I see a familiar diner up ahead. Martha's Diner. I walk in getting hit with a smell containing a mix of coffee and muffins. I sit down at the booth closest to the window watching as people pass and go outside the diner.

"Hi!" a familiar cheerful voice said. I'm not much of a talker so I nod my head in acknowledgment as I face Elizabeth or as I call her Lizzy but she doesn't know that. Lizzy is only 1 year younger than me and is one of the waiters here she loves to talk but I see a lot of people ignore her as she gets them their orders so I just let her talk my ear off to her heart's content.

"So since there are not a lot of people right now who need me Granny said I could take a small break until we get more customers. I nod telling her to go on.

"So that means I can talk to you right? I mean only if you want to I mea!-" I cut her off placing my hand on hers as I chuckle quietly.

"Go on I don't think I have anything else to do," I said with a soft smile. She smiled back at me as she spoke about her little brothers she has to babysit and even though she complains about them I can tell as her eyes sparkle as she talks about them that she loves them very much. I wish I had siblings but at the same time, I don't because I wouldn't want them to live the same life I do.

As Lizzy and I talk we spot a new customer at the counter waiting for someone to come. "Well! I guess I gotta go I'll talk to you again another time!" she said waving at me with a huge grin on her face. I get up getting ready to make my way out of the diner until I hear my name being called.

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