Invasion aftermath

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Metropolis few days later

Kara and Magni lay side by side in bed, the sheets covering their naked bodies.

Magni: Wow, I wasn't expecting this kind of a welcome. I should probably die more times.

He grinned and she laid her blonde head on his scarred chest. Started caressing the biggest scar he had across his entire chest pretty much.

She looked up at him and narrowed her eyes.

Kara: Hey! I've been an emotional wreck ever since you died, and your body disappeared. I needed this and I wanted to make sure it was really you!

She raises her voice.

Magni: And your verdict?

The young Kryptonian grins and leans in, and the two share a kiss.

Kara: You tired me out sooner than I expected but it's no wonder, you're stronger, plus that chin suits you and that short hair perfect.

She ran her finger along his chin and stroked his hair.

Magni: Okay, I get it.

He smiled.

After their usual playful banter, the pair falls silent until the Asgardian speaks again.

Magni: I'm sorry I put you through that.

She glances at him.

Kara: Well, it's going to take some time to forgive you for leaving me like that, but make-up sex was the first step towards that.

She grinned and he pulled her closer to him.

Magni: I'm glad and I don't blame you, I broke a promise which won't happen again. That's why I'm resolved to wait for now.

She stopped then and looked at him confused.

Kara: Wait for what?

He leaned over to the small table on his side of the bed and took a small box out of the drawer.

When she saw that little box, her heart stopped. Inside was a gold ring in the shape of a Lightning Bolt.

The blonde was speechless.

Magni: Exactly, even before and during the time I 'died' I was missing something, you Kara. Being on Asgard, meeting my parents again, it was a gift, but I missed you there, it showed me that you are my future, this is my home, you, our friends and your family. But it's one big But, my dad once told me that a man must put his wife before himself, and that's what I want to do, and when that time comes, that is when I will ask you THAT QUESTION.

Kara's heart soared but he was right, they weren't ready to take that big step forward yet.

Kara: Can I see that ring?

The Kryptonian heroine asked.

Magni handed it to her, and her eyes lit up and she placed it on her finger.

Kara: It's beautiful.

She smiled.

Magni: As far as I know, it was originally my grandmother's ring. I think she would be happy if her ring brought happiness to someone else.

After the Thunderer put the box back in the coffee table, Kara climbed on top of him, smiling.

Kara: One day when we're ready you can give it to me properly but until then we have a lot of catching up to do, starting with living together.

Smiling they both covered themselves with the sheet and began the next round of lovemaking.

Later at Watchtower

Magni: Are you sure, you know I could find a place for you...

He asked his aunt as they stood on one of the observation decks of the Watchtower.

Angela: No Magni, I decided to take Cassie's offer in the end, I was a warrior of Heven, being amongst the Amazons wouldn't be that different, I am used to be amongst woman.

She smiled and then grinned.

Angela: Maybe it will be fun too.

Magni: Ok, but if anything, let me know, I'll be here.

Angela: Ok, don't worry so much.

She chuckled and they both hugged, and she re-joined Cassie who was waiting for her to escort her to Themyscira.

Magni stood there caressing Planet Earth until Bruce came up to him from the side, in his Batman uniform but with his cowl down revealing his face.

Batman: These last few days have been difficult ... thanks again for the rescue, we needed it.

Magni: I wouldn't let you guys down... Plus, Selina would kill me if anything happened to you.

He smirked at the neutral face of the Gotham Protector who gave him his narrowed gaze.

Batman: I don't know what you're talking about...

Bruce turned and left.

Magni: Oh please... Bruce?

The Asgardian looked around but didn't see his colleague there anymore.

Magni: Bruce? Bruce...? I don't like it when he does that.

He sighed and continued to stare at the view of Earth's orbit.

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