God Butcher - Paradise

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Sea air blew through the sky as the Son of Thor was getting closer and closer to Paradise Island. While it was well past morning in the States, Europe was gradually wrapping itself in the evening hours. He reached the island at five minutes past seven, and as he approached, he saw that some of the sentries had already spotted him and went to notify the queen of his arrival.

Meanwhile, the outskirts of the city

A pale-skinned, tall, robe-clad man walked up to the cliff, and with a wicked grin, he plunged his sword into the ground, and the shadows began to spread out from it, moving towards the city of the Amazons.

Palace of Themyscira 

Queen Hippolyta and her guard stood at the front of the room while Goddesses Athena and Artemis were on the left, watching the trial of Princess Diana, former Wonder Woman and daughter of the Queen and their father Zeus. The room was long in shape, a row of supporting columns stood at the sides while the centre was lit by torches.

A large group of Amazons stood to the sides; their graceful curves complemented by the traditional robes they wore. Cassie and Angela with Artemis stood on the right side closer to the Queen's side watching their condemned sister.

Hippolyta: I never imagined that the day would come when I will have to judge one of us and most of all my daughter, the one I loved and still love so much.

She looked at Diana with a heavy gaze.

Hippolyta: It will make that decision even more difficult. Diana, my daughter, my sunshine whom I have loved since the first day you came into my life.

The queen sighed.

Diana knelt there; her gaze directed to the floor as she didn't dare to look into the eyes of anyone in that room.

Hippolyta: Twice you were imprisoned, twice you returned to your associates to help them take over the man's world, you even used us to do it, and you disposed of those who disagreed with you. The Amazons were created to...

Before she finished her thought, Antiope whispered in her ear.

Antiope: Patrols have spotted an Asgardian heading towards the island.

The queen scowled.

Hippolyta: Tell Cassie, Angela, as well as Artemis to wait for me outside the palace, we'll go and ask him what has brought him here.

Antiope: Yes sister.

Hippolyta: The trial will resume shortly.

The queen announced and turned, which caused many Amazons to be left bewildered.

Goddess Artemis: Queen, what is the meaning of this interruption?

The goddess of the hunt demanded an answer.

Hippolyta: We have a guest; the Asgardian is here.

Athena just raised an eyebrow and they both went with the queen outside. 

Artemis: I wonder what brought him here like we don't have a law forbidding the presence of men on the island.

She frowned, voicing her opinion.

Angela: We've already talked about this once...

Artemis: You told me to tolerate him and that's what I'm doing, there was no talk of liking him as far as I can remember.

Flashback - waterfall scene 

The flowing waterfall deafened the surroundings and masked the loud moans and gasps of the two women.

Great Hera ... right there ... there...

A pleasurable shriek came from the pond.

The red-haired Amazon sitting on the edge of the small lake was groping her left tit with one hand while her other hand kept the long-haired brown head between her thighs.

By Aphrodite...

She cried out again until she reached the climax, her lover's tongue was like a vacuum lapping up the juices that squirted out of her, assuring that they were not wasted.

Artemis' thighs were still shaking as she finally pushed Angela's mouth away from her as the sensation got too intense. Her breathing was fast when she felt her partner's wet kisses over her naked body that climbed until they reached her lips in a heated kiss.

They both smiled at each other, feeling the warm touch of their bodies.

Angela/Artemis: I love you.

They kissed each other but the former Asgardian noticed that something was off.

Artemis: What would he say... if he could see us.

Angela: Who?

Artemis: You know...

She hinted.

Angela: He'd be happy for us.

Artemis: You know I don't like them very much.

The red-haired Amazon sighed.

Angela: You don't have to like them; all you have to do is tolerate them.

Flashback ended

She smiled at her lover and pecked her behind the ear causing a soft moan from the most recent Amazon.

Hippolyta: Artemis is right Angela, just because he's your grandson doesn't mean he can come and go as he pleases.

The Queen's tone made it clear what her point of view was.

They descended the stairs until they emerged outside of the palace in a large wide area, From there, the road headed deeper into the city, and its imaginary entryway was formed by a pair of statues of the goddesses Artemis and Athena. However, they turned right and came to a garden where an altar dedicated to the goddess Hera stood in the middle, with various kinds of fruit trees growing around, and Azalea bushes with their pink flowers gave the place an exceptional beauty. Magni stood there while his Axe was leaning against a tree. 

He bowed respectfully.

Magni: Queen, pardon me for barging in unannounced, but I wouldn't be here if there wasn't a good reason.

Wonder Woman: Did something happen? Is Conner ...

Cassie asked.

Magni: Everything's fine, but I'm here because...



There were again those foreboding echoes, just as in the nightmare.

Angela: Magni?

She called him by name, but he didn't heed them and kept walking to the source of those voices.

Suddenly, though, they were interrupted by a commotion that originated from within the palace.

Hippolyta: What's going on?

They walked back to the square and noticed that between the two statues of the goddesses who were with them physically today, stood a man with deathly pale skin wearing a robe. From a distance, his face resembled a bare skull, and in his right hand was a red and black sword.

The weapon he held rippled with red and black veins and appeared to be part of his hand.

He pointed a finger at Magni, and the pair of goddesses standing by the Amazons who both raised an eyebrow at him.

Suddenly, shadow monsters of various shapes emerged from the ground behind him.

I tend not to write a lot of lemon scenes as I rather leave it to the reader's imagination, I'd love to hear your opinion on whether or not I should include them when writing my stories, as I haven't done much of that before. 

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