Trial by Combat

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"Next time someone comes through the wormhole, I am not taking any chances!" Complaining voice of Tony Stark could be heard through the comms.

"Tony Focus!" Ordered Cap as he bashed another of the Kang's soldiers.

"Is he always like this?" Asked Dinah as she used her canary cry to blast the conqueror attacking drone ship to pieces.

"That depends on your definition of always, but yes." Retorted Widow.

"Remind me where is Bruce again?" Voiced Hawkeye as he was shooting multiple arrows at incoming enemies, blasting many of them while using explosive shots.

"Ask Tony! It was he who gave him a leave to visit the family." Remarked Natasha.

"How the hell I should know that freaking invasion would happen during his absence. While we are speaking ... where is Thor, we are in desperate need of heavy hitters."

"Hey!" Conner voice exclaimed.

"Guys, help could be appreciated." Pleaded Flash while breaking through the column of advancing troops in effort to escape the pursuing ships.

"On it!!" Answered Wonder Woman slicing her sword through the hulls of every ship that pursued her team mate. Though more were still on their way. "It's becoming increasingly hard, with every defeated enemy three more replace them." She complained while using her gauntlets to shield herself from their attacks.

"Tony is right." Cap supported while using his shield as mirror that reflected highly powerful energy beam that sliced every enemy that dared to assault them.

Space around Chimera was hellscape of bullets, fire and rubble. Despite being a highly efficient with combining their respective teams, more and more enemies seemed to arrive every minute. Presence of Cassie and Conner helped a lot. Known before as Superboy and Wonder-girl, but now as new Superman and Wonder Woman. Conner's heat vision sliced many while his incredible speed and strength was able to occupy even huge numbers of invading soldiers. Cassie's agility, prowess and precision at using the Lasso and sword and shield were match for any futuristic weapon. Her sword sliced too many hulls of ships, sending them rocketing to the ground.


Suddenly the sky darkened and blue and golden lightning started to strike the coming reinforcements coming through the portal.

"Guys? Help would be appreciated it!" Cried the Green Arrow when he prepared his last arrow for a shot.

"Ollie ... hold on." Assured him Dinah, but the wreck where he was cornered by a group of grunts was suddenly consumed by the firestorm of rockets and grenades, trying to kill him.

"Dinah, please!" His voice almost as plead when she saw that her husband has been engulfed by the death again.

"No, no, no, no, no..." Anguish and anger overwhelmed her as she used her Canary cry to blast her lover's killers to oblivion.

She approached the wreckage and saw a figure in blue armour standing above it. Soon as she came close, she recognised him as her friend and team mate, Magni. He looked different and had a different weapon too. He turned to her, giving her an apologetic look.

"I am sorry, I couldn't come sooner." He apologised.

While still not fully recovered from the injury his lighting gave her, she saw that it was he again and any remaining effect of mind control was gone.

"Can't you help him?" She asked with her cheeks puffed by the tears streaming down her face. "We can't do it without him." She said while rubbing her belly.

"How long?"

"Learned about it just week ago like Kara, just ..."

"Waited for the right moment." He finished instead of her and wiped her tears with his soft hands. "I'll see what I can do." He reassured her and approached the body of the Oliver Queen.

Golden lighting passed it into the dead body of Green Arrow, coursing through him like a blood through its veins. It shook him as woke up with the gasp of breath into the bone crushing hug of his happiest wife's voice, he ever heard.

"We are so happy to see you baby." She exclaimed happily.

While he would be happy to remain with them, there was still a battle to be won and war to be turned. So he left them there in amidst of the struggle that raged all around.


Three strikes, three times. With each one, lightning incinerated the opponent that chose to come close. He was like a furry of punches and movement. Unrestrained in the anger at those who tried to harm his friends. New hammer was an extension of the new energy of his attacks. Golden like a sun, they struck everything except the heroes. Blue was its ally and in tandem these two energies completed each other. Signifying the characters of father and son. With them there was his mother who was elegant in her own right. Her flowing black hair just completed the majesty the Goddess of War possessed. With shield and sword, each of her strikes were true and find their own mark. 

„Kara! You shouldn't ..."Magni tried to voice his objection, but was quickly rebuffed by her response.

„Trust me, trust us. Please" She softly placed his hand on her, for now small belly. „You know you can."

„Just be careful, promise?" He replied for which her answer the loving kiss she gave him before he flew off.

Then Kara joyously took to the air, starting to attack a rather large ship that slipped from the portal. It was much larger than those drone aircraft's of Kang's forces. Equipped with two pair of massive cannons, their firepower forced the Iron Man to the ground, creating a large crater in the place of his impact.

Supergirl used her momentum and flew right through the hull like a spear through armour. Even the ship shields were no match for her Kryptonian speed. Then she turned around and used her Heat vision to destroy the sentries and any remaining guns that were turned on to her direction.


Captain America and Black Widow were engaged in one of the oldest dances of their kind. Natasha used her electric batons and exceptional agility to tackle and disable the oncoming opponents while Steve's talent with his shield proved to be an excellent protection for both. Bouncing and ricocheting like frisbee it hit multiple targets though his aggressive hand to hand style was much more deadlier. Thor's arrival helped the Avengers from
tough situation, but he alone was not the cause. Sif and Magni were also much needed relief. It took great effort for both teams to stabilise the almost hopeless situation. When the last portal closed, Chimera was hanging in the sky by luck alone, for her engines were so damaged that it could not sustains the flight any more and had to be landed.

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