God Butcher - Never trust an Olympian

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Batman: Where is he?
He asked him, while he was resting on some rubble from nearby pillar.
Magni: Gone ... or more precisely several light years from Earth, on some abandoned rock or planet floating through space.
Green Arrow: That golden ..?
Magni: Yeah, that was me, had to resort to something drastic.
He answered, not letting him finish.
Batman: That Was?
Bruce raised an eyebrow... Still waiting for his answer.
Magni: I channelled my life force through Stormbreaker and you saw the result yourself. But if its any consolation, he surely survived. That damm Necrosword keeps him alive after all.
He cursed while standing up.
Angela: Necrosword.
She exclaimed, knowing what that meant and approached the group while other Amazons, had already taken the injured Cassie and Diana away for treatment.
Artemis: You know that weapon?
She asked her partner standing next to her.
Angela: Unfortunately I've heard of it, but only in the form of stories, meant for children.
She looked at her grandson , waiting if he had more to add.
Magni: My story is quite different, cause it was told to me by my father.  He said that long time ago, when he was young, he met a warrior with a blade capable of killing a god. That they met in fierce fight which almost cost him his own life, until finally he used his axe to cleave the chest of his adversary. At first I thought it was just one of his stories but now...
Black Canary: It is not.
She finished for him.
Magni: No it is not. Its said, that the Necrosword was an ancient weapon capable of killing celestials beings and with each new victim the weapon grew stronger and stronger. But the blade has a downside, although it gives its wielder power to match his enemies, however at the cost of his own life.
Firestorm: So we just wait for him die.
He retorted.
Black Canary: No we won’t! He needs to be stopped before he does any more harm.
She scolds him.
Magni: She's right and that's why it's my responsibility. Gorr is mine and I'll take care of him myself.
He said in seriously.
Supergirl: If you think we're going to let you face him alone, you're mistaken, we're going with..
Blonde Kryptonian wanted to say but strong woman voice stopped her.
Athena: I'm afraid not Asgardian, Olympus has reach its decision, starting with you!
Goddess of War and Wisdom, daughter of Zeus cried and Magni was engulfed in golden chains and was gone along with both Goddesses.
Supergirl: Luke!!
She shouted, seeing him disappear.

He opened his eyes and found himself bound by a thick chain, darkness all around him, but the silence was suddenly broken by the sound of iron wheels, located on either side.
They began to turn and gradually pulled him up, with the platform on which he was kneeling. He was blinded by a strong light when he reached the top, that light came from massive hall in which he found himself. The Great Hall of Olympus, was a place of the Old Gods, it was enormous and exceeded any structure of men on Earth. A semi-circular shape formed the apex of the whole interior, and in this part the Gods, lead by Zeus, sat.
Magni stood on a square platform in the middle of the circular area while on each side stood a quartet of guards in golden armour, these were protectors of Olympus, trained by Athena herself. 
Around him on elevated seats sat the Olympian gods, Zeus and his wife Hera formed the middle section while Athena and Artemis sat on the left and Aphrodite was next to them. Apollo, Hermes, and Ares made up the right side. Poseidon and Hades were not present and so were others , like Hestia, Demeter etc.
Magni: Stabbed in the back, from you Athena? Very un-Athenian and here I thought you were better than Ares, but what more can I expect from the Olympian.
He retorted.
Ares: Silence Asgardian, you will only speak when you are allowed!
Loud voice of the God of War echoed through the hall.
Magni: So momma's boy got a mild reprimand and this was supposed to fabled punishment for attacking Themyscira and taking the lives of hundreds of Amazons, I was expecting more, especially from you!
He shot a look, towards both Daughters of Zeus.
Both goddesses rather looked elsewhere, as neither was proud that Ares had gotten off easy again.
Then they were all interrupted by the thunderous voice of the King of Olympus, Zeus himself.
Zeus: Silence!!! I have tolerated your presence on Earth long enough Northman, but my patience has limits! You have brought here, the Scourge of the Gods that threatened us All. For that, I condemn you to the depths of Tartarus for eternity.
Magni: I've never...
He struck again with his hand, and cracks appeared.
Zeus: I said quiet! As for our "little problem", Ares and Athena will take care of it! 
Athena/Ares: What?
They shouted, but their Father yelled again, and they both remained silent when they spotted brief flash in his eyes.
Zeus: And about that Kryptonian ... maybe I'll pay her a visit. Even better, in your form!
He spoke in his old perverted voice, unaware that Hera gritted her teeth in frustration at his words, that her husband was planning to cheat again on her and sire another bastard.
In her case, she could only look on since she had no power to stop him, but her hate for him grew every day.
Magni: That was a mistake!
He spoke in a cold, emotionless voice and began to struggle against his shackles, but they began to tighten around him even more.
With a great shout, he broke the chains and released a golden wave of energy that hit the entire interior, knocking everyone but Zeus out of their seats.
Then Stormbreaker flew in, straight to his owner, who was already in his armour again but Ares came rushing towards him, holding his sword.
Ares: You're not going anywhere Asgardian!
Magni: You!
Ares: This time I can kill you!
Magni: You can try.
Magni slammed into the God of War breaking the wall with him and the two found themselves in the air above Olympus, the physical strength of the two beings was comparable. Neither wanted to relent, Magni slashed at his opponent with his axe but he quickly paid for this when sword injured him back.
Ares: I will enjoy your suffering and I will visit your aunt and raped her before your eyes!
The answer didn't take long and Magni, summoned a great storm, hundreds of bolts of lightning engulfed the whole sky until the biggest one struck Ares and he rocketed to the ground at great speed, not stopping. Magni followed right behind his target, until he reached the crater where his opponent was struggling to get up from the ground.
Ares: Hahahah... I like you. Finally the destroyer I wanted to see.
He laughed slowly getting to his feet.
Ares: You're not that different from me.
Magni I'm not like you!
He lunged at him, hitting him with a golden blast of energy from his weapon that knocked the god of War even further to the ground.
He shouted, preparing to strike but was stopped by a woman's voice.
It was voice of a pleading mother.
Hera: Please Asgardian don't kill him. I know he deserves it, but enough blood has already been spilled on his account. I know you're not the one who would deprive a mother of her child.
She pleaded with him and he saw that Aphrodite was standing next to Hera along with Artemis and Athena.
Magni: You're right, his death would bring nothing but more blood and the only one who would gain from it, is the one who threatens us all.
He walked up to them and saw someone approaching, he hadn't met him personally but he knew him very well who it was. It was none other than Highfather, the ruler of New Genesis, where New Gods stand on the side of light and justice, not like their enemies from Apokolips.
Magni: Your husband doesn't deserve you, he has a Goddess in his bed but he always looks after others, same can be said of you Aphrodite. I know these were the actions of Zeus and not yours and therefore I hold no ill will against you. But that doesn't mean I won't protect those I care about.
Hera: You are kind Asgardian, I just wish there were more gods like you.
Queen of Olympus spoke kindly, one may say a rare thing to hear from her.
Highfather arrived after Olympians left, his white beard and staff reminded him of Odin.
Highfather: I have watched you for a long time Asgardian, thinking if you were threat or ...
Magni: Ally?
Highfather: Something like that, but you surprised me.
He looked at him expecting his reaction.
Magni: Sorry... its just, you look like my grandfather.
Answer that amused Leader of New Genesis.
Highfather: Do I?
Magni: Yeah its ...
Highfather: Save your story, for another time. For we have more pressing matters to attend to.
Characteristic boom echoed and Magni followed him trough the portal to New Genesis.

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