God Butcher - Necrosword Hungers

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With a leap, Magni slammed his Axe into the ground from which a spray of lightning struck each monster around.

The crowd of amazons all armed lunged at the intruders, Cassie's golden tiara and hair gleamed through the night as she slashed the first monster with her sword and threw the second into the brick wall with her lasso.

Magni: These things make the Frost Giants look handsome.

He spoke as he delivered his right uppercut to the spider-shaped monstrosity, and with his left arm, tossed it into a group of three more that just surfaced from beneath the shadows of the ground.

Angela: That they do!

His aunt exclaimed severing the head from the torch-wielding monster while Artemis, the red-haired amazon skewered her own with a spear.

The next monster that swooped in on red-haired amazon was particularly large and had a shape like a gorilla but with tentacles and before it could react the creature was struck in the head by Stormbreaker, killing it.

Artemis: I didn't need your help.

She frowned.

Cassie: These things keep coming, we need a new plan.

She spoke as she dropped between them holding her bloodstained blade while her lasso hung on her hip.

Magni: We need to ... He is heading into the palace.

He looked around and saw a robed man piercing another Amazon who got in his path.

Cassie: Diana!

Angela: Go ahead, we'll be fine.

She assured them and together they made their way to the towering structure of Themyscira Palace.

Fight for their Lives

They entered the long hall, the fires that had been burning up until then were out, and all that was visible was Diana, kneeling on the ground, motionless. Cassie quickly tried to reach her, but Magni caught her by the shoulder and shook his head.

Gorr: This isn't the first time I've fought an Asgardian!

Out of the darkness with a blinding speed, he struck Magni who didn't have time to react, and the impact threw him into a pillar, Cassie lashed at him trying to swing her sword at his throat however he delivered a kick to her stomach before grabbing her neck and preparing to strangle her.

At that moment, a blast from the Asgardian axe struck him from the side, freeing the young Wonder Woman who immediately fell to her knees gasping for breath.

Magni: Don't you lay a finger on her!

With a shout, he charged at his foe, exchanging blows, sword against axe, until finally Gorr broke free of his grasp and parried him with an All-Black jab.

Cassie used her lasso, tying it around him but he just took advantage of it by grabbing it and throwing her off.

Gorr: This is the famous Cassie Sandsmark, daughter of Helena Sandsmark and Zeus, King of Olympus. A pathetic child who thinks she can defeat me, I have slain a thousand Gods, of War, Fear, Death, Chaos, Blood, Lies... You think you have a chance to beat me!

He roared at her, lifting her by the neck and strangling her while Magni was captured by black tentacles.

Cassie: Please... Luke ... Magni

She tried to speak, but the pressure strangling her made it nearly impossible.

Gorr: Necrosword Hungers!

He snarled preparing to stab her, but before he could he was pierced in the abdomen with the sword held by Diana Prince, who managed to rise and save her former Protégé from a death she didn't deserve.

Diana Prince: Don't touch her your animal, if you want to kill someone I'm here!

She bellowed at him as she retrieved her old shield and charged at her opponent, parrying his first strike and slicing him across the leg with her blade and sending him flying into the wall with a kick.

Gorr: Not bad for the biggest disgrace of Amazons that ever was, still not enough, Daughter of Olympus!!!

Her follow-up attack meant for his head missed as he was able to teleport and appeared right behind her, she did deflect his right hook with her shield, but he disarmed her, and All Black cut her arm to the elbow.

Her cry of pain filled the whole chamber and was answered by two golden streams of light landed nearby, and out of them came the goddesses Artemis and Athena, each ready in full armour, one with spear and shield, the other holding a bow and quiver of arrows on her back.

Gorr turned in their direction holding his twisted sword but that was the LAST thing he did. From behind he was blasted by a golden energy bolt sent from Stormbreaker that sent him hurtling with such force that he found himself several light years away on some forgotten planetoid somewhere in the cosmos.

Exhausted and in pain, Magni collapsed to his knees and at that moment Hippolyta and some of the League members entered the hall, seeing her daughter unconscious on the ground with her arm cut off, she immediately rushed to her.

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