Not a chapter

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After much thought, I've decided to put the Son of Thor series on hold for now.
Of course Son of Thor - Into the beyond  will still be finished!!

But the third and final installment with title the Darkseid War will be postponed for now, I can't say when it will come out, but this year for sure.

For everyone who read my fanfics, thank you so much and I'm glad you liked them, I still plan to write and improve in overall.
I'm just going to take a break for some time since I have more going on at the moment. 

I don't like to do a lot of things at once and then the result isn't what it should be.

Besides this, I have already some ideas on other fanfics but they will be released once I will finish our Asgardian.

Bye for now, new chapters for Son of Thor - into the Beyond are on the way

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