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Two weeks down, four more to go.

Xander's hunger for Continental Breakfast was starting to make concentrating at work difficult. He couldn't imagine going another month without Bella. Fortunately, his weekend had been spent on a business merger at the other end of the country, so his time was spent dealing with the particulars of that venture rather than fretting over what was next on the agenda at the DDTC ... disciplinary exercises.

Bella had been good at giving him what he'd asked for each night, but already, he was getting bored with it. Jacking off just wasn't satiating his needs, and he was beginning to feel ridiculous, like a teenager watching porn, even if this version of porn was far better than his older brother's skin mags he had access to when he was younger.

The last week had been spent prepping his students for the upcoming practicum sessions. Mondays and Wednesdays were the days designated for obedience guidance and discipline, and the luck of the draw had Monday belonging to Bella and Lauren. All of their transgressions and wrongdoings, if any, had been collected from the previous week and would be presented to them as they faced the heavy hand of the law. The first round would be gentle as these were trials only.

He couldn't imagine that Bella had done much wrong, but the rules were different within the walls of the DDTC than in their home. He knew these sessions were inevitable, but it didn't make them any easier to prepare for. Bella was feeling the same anxiety, despite his halfhearted reassurances.

As he sat waiting for his pupils while grading the last of their tests, Dalberg's latest criticism of Bella threatened to ruin his evening. His comment about her not needing the school and unfairly taking a spot from someone truly requiring the Center's guidance irked him. Hutchens had overheard the conversation and reported it to him before going to the Headmaster.

After hearing that, Xander was beginning to think that Dalberg's objectiveness was starting to wane. He hoped he was wrong, but just in case Dalberg had any ideas of making his Princess pay for his personal grievances, they were going to have a come-to-Jesus meeting before the first hands-on assembly.

Bella was the first to arrive at class and promptly handed in her most recent homework assignment—a list of fantasies she wanted to live out or reenact in the future. He and Bella had done something similar to this in the past, wherein they had written fetishes they would like to experiment with. It was an exercise in open and honest communication.

What the students didn't realize was that he would go over everyone's lists individually and then hand them over to the other Lords after he determined who would be best suited for each student. The instructors would then oblige and choose one fantasy, or wish, to grant them.

This was yet another thing he had been dreading. Of course, he wanted to be the one to act out one of the scenarios with Bella, but he knew the other Lords wouldn't allow it. After he began teaching again, he opted out of the practicum sessions, and this exercise in particular, only agreeing to help out when one of the fantasies didn't involve penetration or oral pleasure. But now, he was being forced to go all the way, so to speak, with one of the other students. He had no idea who it would be yet, nor did he know if he could really go through with it. It all depended on the list of desires that they handed in.

Quickly, he flipped the piece of paper over without looking at it. He didn't want to know what another instructor would be doing with his Princess or if he would even allow it.

When he glanced up, Bella's brows pinched together in confusion, but she said nothing and seated herself. With the room empty except for the two of them, he gave her his best, most wicked, crooked smile and a wink of his eye. His reward was the most stunning dazzle of white teeth flashed in his direction, along with her evocative eyes relaying her unspoken desires. His arousal piqued, and his cock stiffened as memories of the last five years together with her overwhelmed him.

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