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With each passing day, Bella's resentment toward the DDTC grew. She understood their reasoning for everything, including the necessity for keeping up appearances for the sake of the school's reputation and even Xander's suspension for their breaking the rules, however, being separated from him seemed unnecessarily cruel.

Lord Fuentes, the Headmaster of the DDTC, had volunteered to be Xander's replacement in the interim. He was nice enough and highly knowledgeable, but he wasn't Xander. Phone conversations and texts just weren't mending her broken heart. She needed to feel Xander's hands on her and to feel his warm breath whispering in her ear. They clearly had more things to talk about and to work through, but they were the kinds of discussions that needed to be had face to face and while embracing and looking into each other's eyes.

By Friday, it was clear to her that things just didn't feel right without Xander sharing in this journey and lighting her educational path. As Fuentes stood at the head of the class and told them of their next exercise, her fragile nerves nearly splintered at the thought of what she was going to be faced with next.

"The other instructors and I have had a chance to go over your wish lists. It's a time-honored tradition that this school grants those wishes to each of its students without fear of judgment from any of us. We are all well-versed in various kinds of fetishes and kinks. That being said, you have each been assigned an instructor to carry out one of the fantasies you made mention of."

Everyone in the room buzzed with excitement at the prospect of being used and/or abused and pleasured by one of the instructors and having their sexual dreams come true. All except for Bella.

Fuentes turned his brown-eyed gaze to Christopher. "Since your fantasy doesn't involve male/male play, we have asked Katrina Chen, a Domme at our sister school for training Dominants, to help with this portion of the program. You met her during your admission interview as she's also an acting board member and substitute teacher at this school."

Bella's interest was piqued. So that's where Xander learned his skills.

As Fuentes talked more about the exciting sexual exploits on their horizon, she knew there needed to be a change in her routine, and that change needed to happen sooner rather than later.

At the end of the night, and after deliberating for nearly three hours and barely listening to the lecture, she decided to do the unthinkable. Quit. Unable to bring herself to accept the despicable idea, she decided instead to tell herself that she was resigning.

This was the kind of decision \ she would normally discuss with Xander first. But she knew he would only try and talk her out of it and insist she make her case, and that was going to take up too much of their precious time. Time that, in her opinion, would be better spent making kinky love and confessing their undying love for each other.

On a mission, she sought out Lord Fuentes. When she found him in the conference room embroiled in a conversation with Dalberg, she asked to speak with them. Once seated in front of them in the same chair where her inquisition disguised as an interview had taken place, she inhaled deeply as she tried to put her thoughts into words.

The distant sound of night creatures drifted in from the open window on the soft summer breeze, and frogs croaked in unison with the cricket's chirps, soothing her tension. The voices of the other students from the other room filtered through the walls. She would miss them.

"What is it, Ms. Darcy?" Fuentes' voice shattered her inner thoughts.

There was no point in procrastinating because every minute wasted was one she could be spending under Xander's intense green-eyed gaze. "I have decided to leave the program."

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