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The chilly dawn air feathered across Bella's cheeks, and a soft breeze coming off the Bay of Naples ruffled the fine hairs on her arms. She had always wanted a wedding abroad, and Xander had given her that and more. Her fairytale nuptials still seemed like a dream. She inhaled a deep breath of sea air as his arms tightened around her nude body, giving her shelter from the cool blasts of air whipping against them. The brisk air was a welcome reprieve from the heat her body was still radiating from their passionate early-morning lovemaking.

Love played in the background as the stiff waves splashed against the side of the Princess yacht while the tide slowly pulled them inland.

Reaching down next to them, Xander grabbed a plaid flannel blanket and covered them. The rising sun blurred her vision as they continued to float closer to land. A tiny sliver of moon still hung low but was quickly being overshadowed by the orange, teal, and pink hues that lit the sky over Naples.

Today would be the day she would have the talk with her family. Amelie and Johansson, as well as her family, were leaving later that evening to head back to the States, and she had timed it so that the news of her choice to live a Domestic Discipline lifestyle wouldn't ruin their vacations. She prayed the talk would go well. With the help of her maid of honor, Amelie, she and Xander had been prepping them all week with little hints, and to her surprise, her words had been well-received. Ultimately, it made no difference because even if they didn't accept her way of life, things would go on the same. This was, after all, her and Xander's choice. What worked for them didn't have to be accepted by her family or anyone else. This was their life. Their love. No one else's.

Losing herself in the lyrics of the song, her thoughts drifted back to her time at the DDTC. It hadn't all turned out to be a waste. Despite all the drama, it had brought her and Xander closer together. Her being there and her eventual resignation had also forced the board to rethink their actions and ways of dealing with accepting loved ones into the program, making the struggle seem somehow worth it in the end.

"I'm thinking we need to prolong this honeymoon. Two weeks doesn't seem like enough time," Xander's husky whisper tickled her cheek.

"Agreed. Can we stay forever?" She asked only half seriously as she snuggled closer to him.

"That's an interesting idea. I could move my headquarters here. We could learn the language ... raise our children here. My mother would love it. She'd be back in her homeland." He let out a throaty laugh. "My dad, on the other hand ... I'm not sure the grumpy, stubborn Pettifor Senior would agree to that."

She huffed with sarcasm. "Grumpy and stubborn ... now I know where you get it from."

He seemed genuinely surprised by her remark as he pulled back to stare wide-eyed at her. "I am not grumpy."

She full-belly laughed and hugged him. "Okay, maybe not. But you are stubborn."

He conceded with a sigh. "Says the raven-haired pot to the kettle."

She grinned, then suddenly sat up and half turned to face him as she stared into his emerald eyes that were reflecting the sunlight.

"Did you say, children?"

He threw his head back and laughed. "Don't act so shocked!"

Why shouldn't she be shocked? They had never talked about having a family before.

"It's inevitable that when two people who love each merge, they discuss procreation."

Bella rolled her eyes. "Mergers and acquisitions ... procreation? Gee. You make it all sound so romantic." She nudged his rib with an elbow. "Business as always," she grumbled as she leaned back into his embrace.

"Life is business," he declared.

"No," she objected.

He gently thrust her away and glared at her. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me," she said without flinching. "Even the song we're listening to says it—life is love. Business is secondary."

"Point well made, Mrs. Pettifor. And I agree wholeheartedly."

Bella's insides liquefied. Ms. Darcy no longer existed. She was now Mrs. Pettifor. She had been now for nearly a week, and it still hadn't fully sunk in.

"That look of lust is becoming of you," he murmured, tugging her close again.

Facing him, her hands roamed over his chest. His shoulders felt like granite under her searching hands. Desire flooded her body when he pressed his lips to hers, and his tongue invaded her mouth. When he came up for air, she rolled away and presented him with her backside, and peeked at him over her shoulder.

Lifting an eyebrow, he smirked. "You're insatiable, Princess."

She blinked in surprise. "I'm a direct reflection of you, Sir."

"As you should be. Wouldn't you agree?" His deep voice vibrated in his throat.

Climbing the small of her back and licking up her spine, he sunk his teeth into her shoulder. Glancing up at her, his sexy smile and the unbridled passion in his eyes made her feel winded and as if the air had been sucked from her lungs.

Unable to speak, she nodded her agreement and smiled as he knelt behind her and thrust into her.

God, he was so beautiful.

She blinked as she tried to process her new reality. This man was her husband. Actually, her husband. He belonged to her, and her to him. He was her Sir. Her forever. And nothing could be more perfect.

"Happy endings are stories that haven't ended yet."

~Mayday Parade

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