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Thankfully, the conversation with Amelie ended on a good note, but her kind words did little to ease Bella's worry.

Why wouldn't Xander set a date? Every time she brought it up, he patted her on the head like a good little pet and moved the conversation along.

There was no time to think about it.

Glancing at her watch, she was shocked to find it was already past noon, and she still hadn't heard from Xander. Swallowing her pride, she took the leap and contacted him first.

MsDarcy: When can I expect your call?

Only a moment later, her phone rang with a call from him.

"I'm so sorry, Princess. Work is a nightmare. A merger we should've been finalizing paperwork on is on the verge of falling through," his voice throbbed with frustration. "This damned temp doesn't know what she's doing. I'm on my own here. I can't talk."

Bella was hit with inspiration. Before he could hang up, she pleaded with him. "Please allow me to help. I'm just down the street.

"The DDTC was very specific about not seeing each other, but ..." He sighed and cursed under his breath. The sounds of frantic voices in the background could be heard. "Goddamn it," he grumbled out loud.

"Let me help you," she repeated. "The DDTC will just have to make an exception."

There was a long pause as he shuffled papers and barked orders to someone.

"I need you," he said softly.

Bella's pulse pounded loudly in her ears. God, how she loved hearing those words from the strongest man she knew.

"I'll be right there, Sir."


Bella's serene voice immediately put things into perspective for Xander, and the panic that was rioting through his veins instantly vanished. She was the calm to his storm, the angel that pacified his demons, and she held the key to his inner peace.

Without further delay, he began doing what needed to be done on his end, leaving the temp to deal with the minor details, knowing Bella would come to his rescue at any moment.

Not fifteen minutes later, Bella's composed voice could be heard outside his office, delegating her graceful authority and directing the flustered temp. He glanced out of his open office door to see her radiant blue eyes and kind smile as she pointed to the printer and softly spoke some command.

It was as if no time had passed since she was employed by him as she fell into their old routine. Moving quickly, she organized all the paperwork and contracts, made calls to have the other executive officers present themselves for an emergency meeting, and in less than an hour, the mess that had seemed an impossible undertaking was under control.

He had hoped to see her in the conference room, but the temp had been politely told to do her job and, once guided by Bella, seemed to understand her role finally.

Nearly three long hours later, and with a hoarse voice, Xander came out of the conference room, exhausted. He scanned his office, but Bella was gone. Or so he thought.

Just as he sank into his office chair, his private bathroom door opened, and out stepped a glorious sight for his overworked eyes.

"Look what I found in your closet," Bella said with joy as she twirled around in the long blue velvet gown that he'd never had the heart to get rid of.

He grinned. "I remember the first time I dressed you in that."

"I do, too. And every time you dressed me. I miss that." Her smile faded, and her voice resonated with disappointment.

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