▼ Ring of Fire ADD ("ADD plus") ▼

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》Ring of Fire ADD is a type of ADD characterized by abnormally increased activity in multiple areas of the brain, which in individuals on qEEG brain mapping scans can appear as over activity or overstimulation.

》Ring of Fire ADHD, is also known as "Type 6 ADHD," is a subtype of ADHD characterized by extreme mood swings, emotional outbursts, and heightened sensitivity.

》The name "Ring of Fire" comes from the pattern of overactivity seen in brain scans, which resembles a fiery ring around the brain. This subtype is less common than other forms of ADHD and can be more challenging to manage due to its intense symptoms.

》Like other types of ADD, Ring of Fire ADD can appear in both children and adults.

》Individuals afflicted with Ring of Fire ADD may report having a difficult time working with others, and staying focused on their tasks. Their emotional dysregulation and hyperactive brain activity may allow little room for the tolerance of non-preferred tasks, such as schoolwork and other activities requiring sustained focus on mundane or non-stimulating tasks.

》Their temper can cause them to be oppositional, moody, and emotionally over reactive, leading to serious social, academic and occupational difficulties.

Key Symptoms of Ring of Fire ADHD

Extreme mood swings and emotional outbursts

Heightened sensitivity to sensory stimuli (e.g., noise, touch, taste)

Impulsivity and hyperactivity

Difficulty focusing and paying attention

Anxiety and irritability

Aggression and oppositional behavior

》Those suffering from this theoretical type of ADD can often be misdiagnosed as suffering from Bipolar disorder, but Ring of Fire ADD differs primarily in the consistency over time of symptoms. However, where Ring of Fire ADD and Bipolar disorder differ,  is that those suffering from Ring of Fire ADD do not experience symptoms episodically as in Bipolar disorder with being very symptomatic  and other times seeming normal .

》This isn't to say that one cannot suffer from both Bipolar Disorder and Ring of Fire ADD, because this is certainly possible, and some research studies even suggest that nearly 50% of those suffering from Bipolar disorder also have ADD.
It's still important to differentiate between the two disorders in order to ensure that those afflicted can receive the proper treatment designed to minimize symptoms and maximize quality of life.

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