▲ 16 Brain Types ▲

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》As stated in the last chapter, these brain types are separate from the 'core' 5 types. These are also very much less regarded as scientific compared to the core 5.

Brain typing is a system developed by Jonathan P. Niednagel that applies elements from neuroscience, physiology, and psychology to estimate athletic ability.

》Currently, no controlled experiments have been done to assess the effectiveness of Brain Typing (though there are anecdotal reports of both successes and failures, along with a pilot study on blood samples conducted in conjunction with Divyen H. Patel of Genome Explorations

》Brain types have been criticized by the American Psychological Association as not valid and built for commercial purposes only

# 1 Fear

Front-brain, Empirical, Animate, Right-brain
Quickly conceives (and responds to) observations personally

performs to entertain others; enjoys creating party-like atmosphere; spender – not a saver; expressive; down-to-earth; radiates warmth and optimism; impulsive, enjoys promoting and business; rhythmical and athletic; gross motor skilled.


The #1 FEAR is often the most outgoing, fun-loving, and entertaining person in a crowd.  He or she loves life and people, seeking attention and pleasure in every situation that arises.   FEARs can thrive on being in front of others, displaying their showmanship. 

They are light hearted, romantic and optimistic.  They need to feel the love and care of others more than most Brain Types.

Controlling their weight is one area that can be a problem.  (FEARs are particularly sensitive in the emotional center of the Right brain, a biological trigger for the aforementioned problematic areas.)  FEARs are gross-motor dominant; they rely mostly on their big-muscle movements (versus fine-motor).


From their day of birth, #1 FEAR children are active and ready to live life to the fullest.  FEARs learn from doing, as kinesthetic learners.  Let them touch, taste, feel, experience the lesson to be learned, and they'll be content.

Normally gregarious and outgoing, FEARs take on the whole world as a friend, yet are very loyal to their closest ones.  The life of the party, FEARs look for excitement in every situation and make most situations fun.  Because they are Animates, FEARs notice and remember facts relating to people and can be very sensitive.  They live in the present and enjoy being center-stage, not wanting competition in that area.

The impulsive nature of FEARs may need some help, and choosing their friends wisely is a must.  They often get involved with athletics and are gross-motor skilled, proficient with the body's large muscles.  FEARs are among the top athletes in many professional sports. 

Put FEAR children with people, give them activities, and enjoy their warm, loving personalities.


#1 FEARs desire affirmation and may reserve openness of affection, due to fear of rejection.  They love to receive gifts, as well as to give them, generously lavishing their loved ones with extravagant tokens of caring.  Mates of the FEAR should expect spontaneity, surprises,
entertainment, humor, warmth, and optimism. 

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