▲ What The Side Of The Bed You Sleep On Says About You ▲

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》The side of the bed you choose to sleep on might say things about your personality. In fact, research suggests that your mood, attitude to work and even income could be predicted by which side of the bed you choose to sleep on.

People who sleep on the left

According to research, people who sleep on the left are likely to be more cheerful than their right side counterparts.

A positive outlook allows lefties to be more capable at dealing with a heavy workload, which means they're not easily phased by a stressful day.

Those who sleep on the left believe they are calmer than their partner in a crisis and are more confident in general. It's also reported that left side sleepers are believed to have a greater level of job satisfaction than right-siders.

Left-side sleepers may have something else going for them, too. In Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese practise of arranging environments to bring harmony, the left side of the bed is the best one to get out of, as it's linked with wealth, power, and even good health.

People who sleep on the right

It's not all bad news for right-side sleepers though. In fact, it's been suggested that people who sleep on the right side of the bed tend to earn more money.

And if right-side sleepers have a less positive outlook, they're also more likely to be grounded and be prepared for worst-case scenarios, making left- and right-siders a match made in heaven.

Sleeping next to the wall

Of course, the side of the bed you choose may have more to do with the position of your bed than anything else. If you have claustrophobic tendencies, you'll be less likely to sleep next to a wall, and it's harder to get out in the morning, and it can make you feel more closed in. On the other hand, those who feel more secure when they're in enclosed spaces may avoid sleeping next to a window or door.

The practical side of the bed

Some sleepers claim the reasons for their choices relate more to practicality than personality. Being closer to a radiator, further away from outside noise, having a better view of a television, being closer to children or further from a window are all reasons why people choose their side of the bed.

Arguing about your side of the bed

As many as 10% of couples actually argue about their side of the bed, which can lead to one party being unhappy about the outcome. After all, you could both be righties - and this would explain why the person waking up on the left is grumpier.

The good news is that choosing a side of the bed tends to be more about habit than anything else. Even if you both initially want the same side, once we're used to our position, we like to stick to it. Unfamiliarity is the enemy of sleep, whereas routine and certainty help us nod off.

In fact, over 75% of people believe they wouldn't be able to sleep comfortably on the opposite side of the bed.

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