Chapter 4.2

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"Now you think,

Time is slow.

Then you look back,

And it's untrue."

"There was this known fact about Hana on campus. That is, she was a lone wolf.

She doesn't socialize and she keeps to herself most of the time. Other students have tried reaching out to her, but she always shuts them down acting completely indifferent to everyone else.

Her classmates suspected it's because of her superiority complex that she's behaving this way. She is after all the second child of Jared Frampton the only heir of Mike Frampton.

The Framptons are a very wealthy well-established family. They're old money and they are part of the elite of Redmond. I've heard that if you want to get to the top of society you have to win their favor.

Personally, I think it's why Hana is guarded up. People are capable to do a lot of things in order to be at the top.

While I was in Tabitha I honestly didn't care about her status. I didn't pay much attention to the circulating gossips. I only wanted the days to pass me by.

It was actually Hana who talked to me first. I wasn't expecting it because I was being good in keeping our agreement to mind our own business.

I admit in this friendship, she was the one who worked hard to form it and keep it.

I understood now what Ms. Truman had said about me in our first meeting how we two were alike. I think I sort of became Hana's mirror. She somewhat saw herself in me and she tried the best way she could to protect me from repeating her mistakes.

There was this time during our senior year before we start our holiday break that I saw Hana sitting alone in our room looking out our window. She was wearing a blank expression as she watched our fellow students hug each other for the last time this year.

'Don't you want to say goodbye?' I asked. I just came up, having said my farewells to some of our classmates.

Hana didn't answer my question. Instead, she said with some distaste, 'I never liked the holidays.'

'What?' I snorted finding her statement impossible. "Students are supposed to like the holidays the most because it means freedom. 

Freedom from endless paperwork, freedom from annoying teachers. Just pure liberty and hopefully some bliss."

'I really don't mind them,' Hana surprisingly answered.

I knew something was up, so I ambled towards her. 'Tell me what's on your mind,' I said nudging her shoulder with my elbow. I stood beside her following the trail of her gaze.

'I don't want to go back to the house,' she openly confessed.

'Why not?' I asked.

Hana shrugged. 'By this time of the year, the house transforms itself into the most generous party host throwing wide its doors to all its privileged guests. And unfortunately, those who come are usually the boastful and proud. The ones who would gladly take every opportunity they have to flaunt their overflowing wealth or latest acquisition.

They are always seeking to make a good impression on Mike.'

A heavy exhale. 'Not to mention the added presence of the media whose noses are pressed on their cameras, their hands itching to make an article of something outrageous the top elite of society has done.

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