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Leah didn't know where he had been the entire time, all she knew was he suddenly materialized out of nowhere.

"That's the end of it," Jacob announced at the same time their environment returned to being frozen again.

When everything stopped in motion, even the sound of  the nearby cars, Leah's knees immediately gave way, and she slumped on the asphalt, finding herself at a total loss for words from what she had just witnessed.

It took her a couple of minutes to reconvene her thoughts that when she did her first words were, "She-she called me?" She said in incredulity passing a hand over her forehead, "How could I not remember?"

"Ah, the wonders of the human brain." Jacob said, "Don't you think the brain is so extraordinary in its function that it records an accurate data of the things you have seen and heard. The only tricky part is how you get it to show you the untampered scene."

Leah had been staring mindlessly at the ground. The ache that she felt in her head before her memory started playing has now grown stronger. Spent, she didn't have the enough energy to deal with Jacob's puzzles.

A tired frown appeared on her face as she closed her eyes and gently massaged her eyelids. "Please stop beating around the bush Jacob." She already knew his manner of approach after a night spent with him and surely this was one of his telltale signs that he wanted to say something meaningful right now. "Just tell me what you have in mind."

Jacob as always gladly seized the offered chance, so he asked, "Do you still remember what I told you earlier, of the reason why I am here?"

Leah feebly racked her brain and to her amazement she remembered. "You said something about guiding me in my decisions."

"Correct and I cannot do a good job with it without me putting an emphasis to the importance of your thoughts."

"My thoughts?" Leah surprisingly questioned, opening her eyes to find Jacob already sitting opposite her.

"You know one terrifying fact is our thoughts, words, and actions it doesn't only affect us. It affects others as well. So, if one is wise, he or she will know how to mind them."

"Our?" Leah picked-up on. "Does this mean it applies to you spirit guides as well?"

Jacob looked meaningfully at her then he inched closer to her. "Leah," he beckoned, "see." He laid his hand on top of hers that was pressed on the ground and as Leah watched, his hand shockingly went right through hers.

Aghast, Leah's eyes widened with disbelief as she stared at their collided hands, "It didn't do that when you held my hands earlier." She commented, feeling her chest tighten.

"It's because you weren't anywhere close to learning the truth." Jacob grinned at her, "Go ahead touch me." He motioned with his head daring her to do it.

Leah for once didn't hesitate to comply right away. She wanted to prove that what just occurred was a fluke. For she was frightfully afraid of losing Jacob. Without him she would be guideless, and she needed him now more than ever because now she wanted to live.

Raising her right hand, she reached out to touch his cheek. Her heart instantly deflated on the spot, and it was like she stopped breathing when she saw her fingers pass through his face touching nothing but pure air.

Withdrawing her hand, Leah asked with wavering voice, "Did I do something wrong again?" Her mind was now replaying Jacob's fading image when she stupidly jumped from the rooftop feeling fear licking her will to life.

"No." Jacob tenderly answered and when Leah lifted her head to meet his eyes, the smile displayed on his face was surprisingly serene. "We are just ending that's why."

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