Adam: Live!

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Before Leah could fully recover her wits, Adam stepped into the room with an angry red circle around his left eye. He remained standing behind the closed door for a few minutes, his face pale and his grey eyes directed to where her body was lying.

Leah scrutinized Adam's appearance and he seemed lifeless, enervated. And yet if you aren't familiar with him, he can easily give you an illusion of composure. But having known him for seven years now, she could tell Adam was deeply troubled.

Adam moved, walking towards the vacant seat where he calmly placed himself. He deliberated for a moment before he took her physical hand into his and gave it a light peck.

"Babe," he greeted with a wan smile putting Leah's palm on his cheek. "Your hands are cold." He commented wistfully, "You hate cold hands."

He then proceeded to grab Leah's other hand clasping them together, he wrapped his around them and started blowing air into its small opening. "There, a little better." He beamed when Leah's hands had become warmer.

Adam goes on to tell while he fixed her hands back to its original position, "You might be wondering why I have a red circle around my left eye well Frank gave me that."

"I actually don't resent him for it. To be honest, he should have given me more. I deserve to be beaten, hell I should be the one lying on this bed and not you.

But Frank...he stopped. Then he commanded me fiercely, 'Go bring my daughter back!'"

Leah stood up from where she was sitting, her knees wanting to buckle and surrender to the overwhelming feeling of longing and regret for the man she first entrusted her heart to.

And then out of nowhere a strong desire of yearning hit her, overcoming her heart. It hurts. For how nice it would be if she could sit on Adam's lap and bury her face in his all-too-familiar chest taking in his very own scent. And then he'll wrap his firm lean arms around her that he'll start kissing her hair while telling her, "Everything will be alright."

This dreamy picture in her mind was interrupted when Adam unexpectedly burst, "Tell me how am I supposed to make you live?" He exploded. His voice obvious of his ever-increasing desperation to save her.

Adam would do anything just to make Leah live. Frank had given him an impossible task that only God and Leah can do. What can a mere man like him do in this situation but tell the truth, what happened between them and in their relationship that they hoped would last a lifetime.

Pulling his eyes away from her he stared out of the window in silence. His thoughts lost in its own sea. There were a million things he wanted to say right now but he must only choose the ones most needed in the present. He contemplated in the silence before releasing a deep breath.

"I am an idiot," Adam acquiescently declared returning his eyes back on Leah.

"I thought I knew everything there is to know about love. What a big joke I am. I was blind to my idea of it. The truth is you know more than me. You were right to be afraid because who here truly knows how to love?"

Adam said making Leah shiver, her every cell awakening. For she knew that she was about to hear the confession she had been waiting for, for so long.

His eyes started to get teary. "I wish I could say all the things good lovers would say under these circumstances. But I can't because I can't continue deceiving you. It's unjust. Surely not what you deserve.

And lately I haven't been exactly good, right Leah?"

Leaning closer towards her body, "I did something evil to you. And I know that you know because you have been regarding me with the eyes of a tormented, betrayed woman."

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