Chapter 6: Haunted House

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"You jump, you fall.

You walk, you trip.

It's a lie, it's the truth.

Love is the same risk."

Is this what death taste like?

In a tranced mode Leah got up and started walking forward in the middle of the street that is now infiltrated with hurrying cars. She wasn't the least bothered by the moving objects possibly squashing her for she found herself floating in her thoughts.

She felt so miserable. Like she wanted to bury herself under the ground just so she could hide from her oppressive thoughts. But she knew that even the hardened soil of the earth can't protect her from the hot blazing truth of reality.

Leah was so aggravated to the point of tears. But no! She is not going to give in to it. It stings though. The truth bites so deep it destroys your illusion of lies.

Once more Jacob had stirred anger within her that her chest was burning hotly. She kind of forgave him when he made her face Hana, but she cannot overlook it this time when he told, no "ordered" her to break-up with Adam. Like who was he to tell her what to do.

Leah wanted to hate him so much because of his brazenness. However, she knew that it is totally unfair. He didn't do anything wrong. Adam, Hana and she did. Jacob was merely relaying the facts.

Passing by a TV store, she stopped when she recognized an old film being replayed. It was Ghost starring Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore. She remembered watching it before with Hana, during one of their sleepover sessions.

Captivated by the playing movie, Leah crossed the street then sat down in front of the store following the scenes in silence. As the pictures rolled her mind began narrating another story in her head, one that was from her past.

This caused a knot to tie in her stomach. For this particular memory is one of the few that she cherished about her past. In fact, she had kept it tenderly close to her heart and considered it as the defining moment of her relationship with Adam.

It happened on the day she found herself spending her weekend at the house of Adam's grandparents. When Adam asked her beforehand to come with him, she declined right out of the bat. Adam dismissively laughed at her telling her not to be a silly chicken.

And so, here she was sitting at his grandparent's backyard porch watching the gathering of dark bulging clouds in the sky.

"What are you doing back here?" Adam asked joining her on the wooden swing bench that's overlooking the green mountains of the countryside.

"Thinking," she replied not taking her eyes from the fog that was slowly descending from the peak of the mountain.

"You never get tired of that huh," Adam teased.

"No. In fact lately I've noticed I'm becoming more adept to it," she teased back though there is a note of seriousness in her voice.

"Hmm, should I take that as a warning?" Adam focused his grey eyes on her sensing something.

Exhaling Leah said, "Your grandparents they're very wonderful people."

"I know. They're preparing dinner as we speak."

"A love like that kind of makes you think."

"Alright," Adam finally said knowing something was up. Taking her hand, he asked, "tell me what's bothering you this time?"

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