Frank: Live!

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Leah deflated at the bottom of the bed. What little strength she earlier had escaped her that she felt sucked dry by the revelations spoken in this room. There was an influx of information crammed into her head that she was finding it hard to process them all.

For one thing Joyce had stirred her heart. Hana had invoked pity to her soul. And Adam, oh Adam, his love for her had made her realize her own misgivings in her woes.

Truth be told this was not all their fault. For she too had played a hand in her current situation. And she was just as guilty as them.

She pressed her eyes shut knowing how her incapability of trust, love and hope had locked her in a state of fear and anger. It was left unchecked for so long it started poisoning her life, turning her existence into a cold and hardened actuality.

Sounds of footsteps echoed through the drab atmosphere of the room. Leah disinterestedly didn't want to pry her eyes open to see who was coming. She wasn't even aware how the door managed to open.

What is there more to hear? Why do they keep coming in? Can't they just leave her alone? She groaned inwardly.

"Hello darling," greeted Frank in a bleak voice.

Immediately Leah's eyes flung wide open. Her heart was racing before calming down as she stared at the darkened ceiling. Frank stood at the bottom of the bed wearing a long-sleeved gray shirt. His wearied hands resting on the metallic rails.

"Did you like my show?" He asked with a sly grin on his face. "I'm sorry about Adam. That was my fault. Wait, what, no! I'm really not that sorry." He lightly chuckled.

Leah slowly focused her eyes on Frank, and she immediately recalled Jacob's description of him before. He was right, Frank looked like he had aged overnight. She could easily tell how tired he was and how much in need he was of a good night's rest. Already dark circles formed beneath his eyes.

Frank straightened himself. "The poor guy he didn't even try to fight me off."

He then lifted a hand to rub his jawline where patches of stubble were now growing when all of a sudden, he heaved a heavy, burdened sigh. Leah had never seen Frank quite this worn out before in all the years she had lived with him.

"I sent Hana over and I know that bothered you. Well, I sent her for the same reason I had for asking your mom to tell her story. It's better if you know where they're coming from."

His gaze moved to the small screen monitor displaying Leah's body statistics. "I'm sorry it had taken me this long to provide an explanation for our family's drama. Joyce from the beginning had always loved us, and I dealt with what we have been through to how I know best, patience.

My only regret is I wasn't able to disclose the whole matter to you sooner. That way I could have prevented this from happening. I am truly sorry, Leah. I was blind to your pain."

He became quiet then in a reminiscing voice he said, "Love it makes you expose yourself to the elements of life without ever getting an assurance that what you give will be given back to you in full. You took a risk loving Adam and you . . . well . . . it didn't work out the way we expected it to." He finished with sympathy.

"And now here we stand with a tangled mess to fix." He clamped his hand at the back of his neck, his eyes drifting to the vacant chair as if considering whether he should take a seat.

"My Leah loves to get things in order." He mumbled more to himself as he pressed his eyes shut to relax it before re-opening it again.

Frank dropped his hand back to the comfort of his pocket then he said, "Joyce said you got that from me. We have a love of seeing sense through things even if it will hurt us to know the truth.

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