Chapter 4.3

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"In hope we sow,"

By tears we water.

A seed grows,

A fruit harvested.

"I thought I wouldn't be as overly affected as Adam was when Hana disconnected us from her life because unlike him, I anticipated this to happen.

During our stay in Tabitha, Hana and I made an overly ambitious plan to get out of Redmond. To turn our back completely to it by cutting off all our ties and starting anew somewhere.

Who we are in Redmond burdened us so much that we just wanted to drop everything and flee. And Hana, she did it. Though I was the one who inspired the plan, she was the one who actually had the nerve to execute it.

Miserably left behind I spent my remaining freshman days in college trying to cover and hide my injured pride. You see I actually hoped I would be different. The plan doesn't apply to me because Hana and I had established a real connection that was way stronger than that. 

But then I guess what we shared held little importance to her because she treated me the same as everybody else. She easily removed me from her life.

Then when Adam crossed my path and I heard my wounds sound through him, it made me finally succumb to what was brewing in my heart, a bitter resentment. Because how–how could she betray our friendship like this.

'Ah, my fellow reject is still here.' There was unconcealed bitterness in his tone as he slid next to me before the start of the class.

'Reject,' I rolled my eyes recognizing his voice right away. 'Wait, have you always been a part of this class?' I asked, startled to see him in the same room.

'Yes. Surprised.' Adam answered glumly. He had his hood pulled all the way up his head which hung low on his shoulders.

He gave a loud sigh and then caught me off guard when he asked, 'How are you doing?'

I'm still mystified by the possibility of it happening at the time it did, but in that moment, I felt his pain come across through those simple normal ordinary words. My heart was utterly moved with compassion for him because though he would never say it upfront, I knew that Hana had broken up with him.

'Good.' I answered trying to be indifferent.

Adam hastily removed his hood from his head and looked at me and his eyes were angry as they settled into mine.

'How can you be possibly okay?' He demanded his voice dripping with accusation.

I was offended by his sudden change of attitude because here I am trying to be nice and he just all of a sudden turned lion on me. 'I just am.' I shot back.

'You were dumped just like I am!' He exclaimed and I was flabbergasted. I couldn't believe he just said what he said. Then he added, 'How can you be fine with that? I thought you were her best friend. Or...' he hesitated, 'she's still talking to you that's why.' I sensed hope biting in his last statement, and it dampened my provoked emotions.

How can you be mad at someone who looks and sounds like a wounded dog? I know it to be mean thinking it this way but it's how he was behaving himself. Having your heart broken is unbearably awful so what can one do. But why take it out on me?

'I wasn't dumped.' I denied purely out of ego.

I wanted to stop right there but then my conscience started poking hard at me telling me to come clean. Perhaps in this way I could lend a shoulder to him. For I know among all people that there is comfort in knowing you're not alone.

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