Chapter 12: Decision

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"Choose carefully,

Think wisely.

Hear and understand,

What is being said."

Frank was finding this night hard and long. Finally giving in to his exhaustion, he moved to the chair placed next to Leah's bed.

He sat in quiet contemplation, his mind travelling back to when Leah was only a tiny lively creature in his hands. For him it always felt like it was only yesterday.

Leah had always been his main inspiration in everything he did. He built what he could with his firm because he wanted Leah to have an easy, comfortable future to live by.

But seeing her now fading in between life and death, out of his scope of control, he couldn't stop but wonder what he had been truly investing on for the past years when the only real work that mattered, his relationship with his family, he had neglected.

Letting out a deep breath Frank said, "I've acted on my faith that you can hear us, Leah." His eyes drifted to her still face, "All has been heard and the rest of the matter is up to you now."

Slightly leaning towards her he planted a soft kiss just above her brow. "I pray you make the right choice." He said, giving Leah's face a stern look, then straightening up he walked to the door.

Leah fell flat at the foot of the bed at the same time she heard the door click shut behind Frank. She lay facing the ceiling as silence slowly filled the four corners of the room and minutes passed and the silence prolonged and she gratefully soaked it in knowing that there would be no more disturbances tonight. 

Freely and judiciously, Leah gave herself up on reliving her whole night.

"Are you still here?" Leah asked after a stretch of quiet.

"I am," came Jacob's response from the corner of the room speaking for the first time since the whole play started. 

He gets up from where he was first squatted and stretching his legs he strode towards Leah's bed.

Leah blurted, "I'm confounded!" She exclaimed at the same time Jacob held her eyes. "There is clearly so much to do, and I can't figure out where to begin."

Jacob was standing at the top of her head. He bent his knees to level their eyes, and Leah shifted her body to face him.

Casually Jacob said, "You know what they say everything begins with a decision."

Leah swallowed. This part was what she was afraid of. Sitting up, she saw the closed window and decided to cross the floor peering through the glass to the outside world that's coming back to life. 

This acidity fascinated her eyes. For the dense blanket of mist that had covered the city earlier was now clearing, enabling her to see the city lights winking glow.

Jacob followed after her and he placed himself right next to her that he too surveyed the awakening city. "I think my mind had agreed to something."

Leah's indecisive tone hinted Jacob what could her decision be, so he carefully asked, "Do you fear it's a mistake?"

Quickly and undoubtedly, Leah retorted, "Very," making them both laugh out loud.

When their laughter subsided, Jacob stared longingly at the night sky then to Leah's astonishment he made the follow-up question of, "Do you think it's right though?"

Leah immediately knew what Jacob was doing. He was innocently drawing her thoughts out of her mind and into the open for her to come to terms with the truth she was afraid of.

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