Chapter 4: History

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"I played fear.

Twisted it around my fingers.

Why worry?

Then I saw myself buried."

"Tabitha the exclusive all-girls boarding school that is located north of Redmond was where Hana and I crossed paths.

Whenever I think of her, my memory always leads me back to this place. It's a special place, really, and I think that its seclusion from the rest of Redmond is part of its charm.

I, of course initially never thought of it this way.

I honestly hated the idea of going to this school.

But Frank insisted that I'm going to love it there saying that home is not how it used to be and he's trying to fix it. He just doesn't want me to get caught in the middle of it and worry over nothing.

We had to drive two hours from the main city of Redmond to Tabitha. Along the road, I remember passing this vast stretch of bodies of water that extends to the horizon that seeing it from my window the line at the end of what your vision can reach gives you an illusion of the sea merging with its twin the sky.

It kind of gives you this pretense that the impossible had happened and somewhat a link tied the two together and finally what had been separated from creation had at last joined together in that moment of time.

After we've passed the sea, we started ascending the mountain road, following its curves that finally led us to a moss covered place whose skies are an endless pale gray.

The school itself was made up of old bricks that were maybe piled together centuries ago. It had the feel of ancientness with it.

As I looked out from my car seat, I consoled myself with the thought that at least this weather matches my constant mood.

The caretaker welcomed us from where Frank parked, and then she ushered us into the office of the headmistress of the school.

Frank went in first at the request of the headmistress and she kindly asked me to wait outside for a bit. A couple of minutes elapsed, and Frank came out and I knew from the look on his face that it was time he was going to leave me.

'Don't cry.' He teased when he saw my eyes moisten.

This would be my first time living on my own and I'm not going to lie, it scared me. Why did my parents have to force their decision on me?

I rolled my eyes at him, biting my lips so as not to sob and give him the satisfaction for it.

'Joyce and I will come for the family assembly.' Frank promised to comfort me.

I clasped my hands behind me, pressing them firmly together. 'Don't bother.' I sulked.

Frank gave a tired smile and putting his arms around me he said, 'Always remember angel I love you.'

'If you really do then you wouldn't leave me here.'

'You don't understand it yet but what I'm doing is for your own good. Trust me?'

I looked down to my feet, 'Take care of yourself and do good, okay. Enjoy your time here.'

'How can I when I already hate it here.' I softly mumbled and it made him chuckle.

'Goodbye dear. I'm going to truly miss you.' He said meeting my eyes and on his were displayed sadness. 'Now go inside.' He ordered pointing me to the open doorway.

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