~ Chapter Twenty Two ~

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"So..." y/n began right as Dazai walked through the door to the apartment. "Has Oda found Ango yet?" y/n asked, looking up at Dazai.

The bandage covering his eye was bloody and he didn't seem thrilled about y/n's question. "How do you know about that?"

Y/n sighed as she got up. "I was at Mori's office all day long. I was there when Oda came to talk to him. Mori swore me to secrecy, to not tell anyone outside that room but you already knew."

"Ango might be a traitor..." Dazai said sitting down on a chair.

Y/n grabbed the first aid and went over to Dazai. "What makes you think that?"

"The other night when I was at the bar with him... I asked him about work and he said business as usual, and then gave me and Oda details about the deal he made..."

Y/n took the bandage around Dazai's eye off to reveal his bloody eye that liked to start bleeding out of nowhere. "Why was that so strange?"

"He said that the deal was done in his car, but the umbrella in his bag was freshly soaked."

"So? He must've used it later on."

"Nope. The way it was placed in the bag along with the watch, could only indicate he used it during the deal. In short, he went out of his way to make a story, if he told us he couldn't talk about it we would've left it at that, but he didn't."

Y/n finished up wiping blood from the boy's eye off. She then took some of his hair and pinned it up before softly wrapping a new bandage over his eye.

Once she was finished she placed a gentle kiss on Dazai's head. "I'm sure he wouldn't hurt you and betray you like that," Y/n said, her hand cupping the side of Dazai's face.

Dazai sighed, shaking his head. "I have a bad feeling about... this whole situation."

Y/n wrapped the boy in a hug. "I do too."

Dazai pulled away before looking up at y/n once again. "What happened with you today my love?"

Y/n rolled her eyes. "It felt as if I became Mori's personal assistant, not that I mind hanging out with Elise."

"What are you up to boss?" She questioned the man, leaning on his desk a bit. "I hope you're not planning anything."

"The resemblance I see of Chuuya and Dazai in you is astounding. I see you've been hanging out with them quite a lot recently. I hope they don't wear off on you too much."

"Dazai will be devastated if you get Oda hurt, Ango too in that matter. Maybe then he will be going for your throne."

Mori smiled, tilting his head. "I hope that wasn't a threat y/n. I was thinking of giving you an executive spot very soon."

Y/n stood up straight. "No sir." She smiled condescendingly. "Just a mere thought."

"What would you do if you found out Mori was behind all of this? Would you take your revenge? Kill him and take his throne?"

Dazai looked down at the floor. "I just might..."

✦ ✦ ✦

"Hey y/n, wanna go get some food?"

"How's the curry today?"

"Same as usual," Oda said, taking a spoonful of his meal. "How are the kids doing?" He asked, looking up at the man.

"The same as usual! They're all upstairs if you want to go say hello."

Oda nodded before getting up and leaving the restaurant. He walked outside and to the stairs that lead to the apartment above the restaurant.

Body Dropper                                           (Dazai x Reader x Chuuya)Where stories live. Discover now