~ Chapter Twenty Five ~ Final ~

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"Where the hell is he?!" y/n yelled, running into her home.

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The girl stared at the door. It had been several minutes since Dazai had left. "Fuck this," she muttered as she started for the door.

"What do you think you're doing?" Mori asked, tightly grabbing hold of y/n's arm. "You have no reason to go after him."

"Let me go Mori..." y/n said, dangerously close to getting herself killed. "You threatened to fire me earlier today. Why the hell do you care now?!"

"You know you can't go with him without hurting Chuuya. Would you really purposely hurt-" he stopped talking as all the air left his body. He started choking and grasping for his neck.

It was almost as if y/n's ability was getting stronger. He didn't just stop breathing, it was like the wind was knocked out of his body, and his lungs were squeezed tight.

A gun was shot, just barely missing y/n's head making her stop her ability. Without another word, she ran out of the office.

She didn't know where to go. She was scared. Her whole life she had been scared but today... she was terrified.

She slammed the door open to her home.

"Where the hell is he?!" y/n yelled, running into her home. "Fusae!" she yelled. "WHERE IS DAZAI!?" Tears started rolling down Y/n's face, scaring the hell out of Fusae.

"I-i don't know! I don't know!" Fusae stuttered as tears now fell down her face.

"What's wrong?" Chuuya asked as he walked into the doorway of the front door. "What happ-"

"Where is Dazai? Do you know?!" Y/n quickly asked, cutting Chuuya off from speaking.

"No! Why?" He glared at the girl.

"I'll tell you later!" y/n yelled, rushing back out of her home. She thought about where he could have possibly ended up. But she didn't have a clue where Dazai could be. Soon night fell and y/n was left wandering the street.

Most everyone had gone home and probably gone to bed. Except for y/n. Her face was stained with tears, she didn't even get to say goodbye to her love.


Y/n looked up to see Dazai.

"D-Dazai!" Y/n started running to the boy, as she almost reached him she tripped but luckily enough Dazai caught her. "I thought you were gone for good!" She cried into his shoulder. "You're n-not leaving, a-are you?" She asked in between sobs.

Two simple words then left Dazai's mouth.

"I'm sorry..."

Y/n let go and took a step back. "N-no..." It felt like everything in the world came crashing down. "Why..."

"I made a promise... I-I need to keep it."

Y/n wrapped her arms back around the boy. When she let go Dazai leaned in and kissed the girl. They sat like that for a minute, both were taking in what they were about to lose.

Then he pulled away from the kiss. "You could come with me? I... I don't want to lose you too."

"You wouldn't be losing me if you decided not to leave me."

"You know I can't stay in the Port Mafia y/n..."

"At least say goodbye to Chuuya, I got a goodbye..."

Body Dropper                                           (Dazai x Reader x Chuuya)Where stories live. Discover now