1: Destined fate

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S1 Ep 2: The weirdos on maple street

"Get them!" Many tranquilizer shots zoomed past two heads who ran together. Brenner shouted at his men to catch the kids but they were too slow in the thunderstorm.

Making a break for the nearby forest the two ran and ran until they were sure nobody was following them.

Letting go of the girls hand the boy took out leafs from a pair of three tails dragging behind him.

The girl tried to warn him that something was coming but it was too late as a pair of flashlights were shined right to their faces


"Is there a number we can call for your parents?" Mike asked, he had short black hair, a black sweater and light brown pants.

"Where's your hair? Do you have cancer?" Dustin added another question, he had fluffy hair with a red, white and blue hat.

"Are those tails and ears real?" Lucas asked, he had a very small fro going on with a white shirt and an unzipped red jacket. He reached his hand towards the damn tails but was quickly swatted away by mike.

"Stop it, you're freaking him out!" Mike yelled at his friend who glared at him.

"He's freaking me out!" Lucas yelled back at mike.

"I bet one of them is deaf" Dustin reached forward and loudly clapped his hands together, forcing the two on the couch to recoil back from the sound.
"Not deaf" Dustin confirmed, looking at his friends.

"That's enough, alright? Obviously their just scared and cold" Mike left the duo standing there and reached into a closet pulling out two sets of clothes.
"Here, these are clean" Understanding human decency the boy left to the bathroom, letting the boys figure out the hard way of the girl not knowing decency.

The clothes were a bit oversized, consisting of a dark blue shirt and black shorts. But it bother him as the boy was quite comfortable.

In the meantime, Lucas and Dustin left to go back home while Mike had set up a small blanket fort in the basement for them.

"Hey, I never got your names" He said. The girl pulled back her sleeve to give the number 11.

"What's it mean? Eleven" Mike asked, Eleven pointed to herself, showing that the number was her name.

"Eleven, okay. Maybe we can call you El for short. And what about you?" Pulling back his sleeve the numbers read 000 with another one scribbled in sharpie, Y/n.

"Y/n? Is that your name?" The boy nodded and pulled his sleeve back over his hand and disappeared into the blanket fort.

"Well, Goodnight" Mike turned off the light and Y/ns eyes were plunged into darkness.

And in darkness he sat. For hours and Hours. Until he couldn't take it anymore and crawled out.

A small blue flame, no bigger than a lighter emitted itself from Y/ns hand as he looked around the basement for anything interesting.

He crouched down to look at a bookcase which was filled with nothing but comic books and dnd books. Sighing he held his tails close as a way of comfort and heat when the flame dwindled out.

But heat was the least of his worries now that footsteps were walking down into the basement.

A pair of eyes in the darkness met his, they didn't glow as much nor did they have slits in their eyes like a cat but they were mesmerizing. The person flicked on the lights and Y/n was face to face with someone new.

"Uh, hi. Are you one of Mikes friends?" The girl asked, she took one step at a time towards Y/n, the tails and extra pair of ears signaled that he wasn't human.

"friend?" Y/n asked, his voice was slow and raspy but came out clear enough for the person to hear.

"Do you not know what a friend is?" The girl asked, slowly shaking his head Y/n started backing up as she got closer, putting his three tails in-front in a defensive way.

"Well, a friend is someone you can trust, someone you tell all your little secrets to" The girl explains. "And they always tell the truth, no matter the situation" She continues, Y/n had now been backed into a wall and narrows his eyes at Nancy.

"You look like a mess. Come up to my room so I can fix you up" Letting out her hand the girl gives Y/n a sweet and genuine smile, a small amount of red creeped it's way onto Y/ns face as he stared at the hand in front of it.

Letting his hand out from the defense he took the girls hand and she nodded.

"My names Nancy by the way. Nancy wheeler. What's yours?" She asked, leading him up the stairs.

"Y-Y/n" He stuttered, almost tripping over the steep steps. For the first time in awhile, Y/n felt safe in the hands of this mysterious stranger.

"Well Y/n, here we are" The door showed her name as she carefully opened it, making sure not to wake her parents. "My room" She let go of his hand, allowing the boy to look around.

Getting some supplies from under her desk she patted a part of the bed in front of her, telling Y/n to sit. Complying Nancy dug into a bag and pulled out a hair brush.

"Now let's get started"

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