12: Under the wraps

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S2 Ep 4: Will the wise

A/n: I haven't touched this story in a long time and have forgotten a lot about what I've done, so apologies if some things don't line up with the previous chapters.


Y/n glanced around the park. Although many residents were actively playing and having fun, it seemed dull. It was almost like it was all fake.

His ears twitched in his beanie as he watched a man look at a newspaper and was moving his mouth, like he was talking to himself. He put the paper down after noticing Y/n was staring at him.

The boy widened his eyes and looked away, catching Nancy's and Jonathan's attention with his quick movements. As more timed passed, the adults at the park started staring at them. Noises grew louder, but the park got quieter.

"We need to go." Nancy finally spoke. Getting a nod of approval from the two others. Y/n shoved his hands in his pockets, readying some electricity in his fingers just in case. A strange man with a briefcase followed them to the car. Stopping a few feet away as they got inside. Jonathan attempted to start the car but was stopped when the engine only puttered out in defeat.

"Trouble with your car? I could give you fellas a ride if you want." Another man knocked on the window. Their car had been surrounded.

Y/n wasn't planning on going down without a fight. Opening his door so it slammed into the man's face, he hit him square in the nuts with an electrified punch. He tried to summon more but was quickly manhandled from the back as something cold and metal like clipped onto his neck. Anything he did, including his flames,
got sucked right into the device.

"Y/n!" Nacy shouted, getting out of the car and running to the boys' side. She tried pulling the device off, but to no avail, it stayed where it was put.

"How about that ride?" Another man said.


The lab.

Seated in a a medium sized room with nothing but a desk, three chairs, and a one-way mirror. Y/n rested his head on Nancy. His state only seemed to be weakening by the hour the longer that device was on him. She ran her nails through his hair, pissed at not only that they did something to him but that they were trapped in this room.

"Woah, not very pleasant in here, is it?" Doctor Owen's said. Y/n has only seen him a small number of times when he was at the lab, usually only brought in to help with the kids. "Sorry about that. Hospitality isn't our strong suit."

Nancy glared at him. If looks could kill, he'd be down in the deepest parts of the underworld in a matter of seconds.

"You up for a little walk?" He said after looking at his watch. Not getting an answer, he turned around and walked out, leaving the door open. "I'm assuming you're behind me." He called from the hallway.

After a long adult walk and talk, the group arrived in the portal room. And looking at the dark red and black portal brought forth a memory once forgotten to Y/n.

El breaved heavily, collapsing to the floor as Y/n stood there. His vision was blurry, and his hands were scarred. He could barely make out the bodies inside the rainbow room. And the infestation on the wall, growing by the second.

He couldn't remember what led to this moment. His memory was all foggy and hazy. Like he specifically blocked out what had happened that day in the rainbow room.

Brenner slammed the door open, and it hit the wall with a loud thud. Y/n flinched with fear as the man looked around at the lifeless body of the other kids. He stepped into a pool of blood, which only fueled his anger more. He saw El. Then he saw the portal. And everything changed from there.

"You okay?" Nancy asked. She noticed Y/n was clinging to her arm tightly since they've entered the room and hadn't said a word. It took a second, but he nodded his head, wiping away a tear that slipped into his eye.

"There we go." Owen's removed the device around Y/ns neck and set it on a table. "You see, Y/n is extremely dangerous. For not only us, but for the people around him. So we created a prototype device, one that absorbs his known powers and turns it into a weak sedative. It should wear off in a few hours." He explains, but Nancy is tired of hearing it and, after all is done, quickly leaves the building.

Getting into the car, Jonathan revs the engine, and it starts up immediately. Sharing a glance with Nancy, they leave Hawkins lab.

Farther down the road, Nancy opens her purse and pulls out a tape recorder. She plays it, rewinding it to the beginning of Owen's conversations and how he revealed the lab was responsible for Barbara's death.

"You really want to continue this?" Jonathan is worried, making sure to keep his eyes in the empty road but also on Nancy.

"Let's burn that lab to the ground."

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