13: One way in, one way out

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S2 ep5: Dig Dug


The old and rusted car pulled up to an address that read "3833." The building looked equally as worn down as the car and seemed like it could've been blown over by the big bad wolf.

"Hey, we're here." Nancy shook tye very tired Y/n awake in the back seat. It took some groaning and swatting but be unwillingly got up and out of the car.

Jonathan pressed the buzzer next to the large metal door. There was a small pause, and then a voice came from the other side.

《Look at the camera》

Glancing from side to side, Jonathan looked at the speaker again, hoping it was the camera.

《Not the loud speaker, the camera above you, and to the right.》

All three looked towards the beeping camera, a small light on it flashing red. There were a few clicks on the metal door, and some balding middle-aged man arose from the darkness.

"Jonathan byers. Nancy wheeler. You two are a long way from home." The man who Nancy mentioned earlier as Murray spoke. Then he locked eyes with the drowsy Y/n. "And the supposed cryptic of Hawkins." He moved out of the way, allowing the passage into his home to be open.

"Don't be shy. Work of art, isn't it?" Murray proudly showed off his clue board to the trio. Y/n gave it a small look over and spotted a very blurry picture of him, almost resembling some type of Bigfoot photo.

Leaving Nancy's side, he took a closer look at it and nearly started laughing. Murray went on and on about his board to Nancy and Jonathan.

This was going to be a long day.


"To taking down the man." Murray, Nancy, and Jonathan chanted. Y/n was silent but still downed his vodka with the rest of the group. The night had been brought upon them and was officially too late to drive all the way back to Hawkins. Which meant more drinking. And a once again, drunk Y/n.

The kitsune in disguise was laughing next to Nancy for whatever reason, leaning against her, and he took another drink. That device effects were slowly starting to wear off, but he was still affected by it.

"Oh, young love. The miracle of life." Murray commented, finishing his drink and putting the glass back onto the table.

Neither responded. She was quite tipsy as well, happily twirling Y/ns long hair in her fingers. She hummed along to the jazz song, playing in the background, finishing her drink, and going right back to his hair.

"Sometimes I think their in their own little world." Jonathan sighed, taking the empty glasses and placing them in the sink.

"They might aswell be. You can take the couch. The lovers can take the spare room." Murray places the vodka bottle back in the freezer and starts going up the stairs. "Try not to have too much fun." He winked towards the couple and disappeared fully upstairs.

The two looked at each other and started laughing, getting up from the couch and into the spare bedroom, where a repeat of Halloween would occur.

《Time skipp》

Murray placed three plates in front of the trio and one for himself. The simple meal had eggs, hasbrowns, and orange juice.

Jazz music played in the background over the forks clashing with the plates. Everyone was silent. Until Murry got a bright idea.

"So, Y/n. How was the pullout?" Murray grinned, earning the reaction he was hoping for. The boy started coughing on his eggs, and his face was heating up.

"The what?" Nancy covered for him, not at all trying to hide what she had done with him last night.

"The pull out bed in my study. Was it good?" Mr blado asked again, this time dropping a piece of his egg on the floor. "Oops."

Jonathan glanced between the two. Y/n was recovering from his near death experience, and Nancy was struggling to hold in a smile.

He couldn't help but feel slightly jealous.


"For your travels." Murray handed Y/n a large bottle of vodka. "And to wash it down." He handed Jonathan some other bottle.

"Thanks again for everything." Nancy nodded her thanks to Murray, clicking the keys on the car to unlock it.

"Don't thank me yet. Just keep your eyes on the papers. And if you need to reach me again..." Murray dropped his smile and started shutting the door. "Don't." He finished before the heavy metal door slammed in their faces.


The byers' house was filled to the brim with drawings that appeared to be scribbles. It went around the floor and the walls, reaching around the ceiling and into every possible room and looping back into another paper.

"Mom!?" Jonathan called out, making his way down the dark hallway and glancing around each room to see if anyone was home.

"Y/n, do you think you can find them?" Nancy asked, after wandering around the living room for a short bit.

"I'll try." He sat on the couch, closed his eyes, perked his ears up, and his tails spiked up like a scared cat.

Twitching in a direction, it brought him to Hawkins lab first. Where the team of Mike, Will, Joyce, Hopper, and Bob were at. But no other noise besides the upside down came from that area.

He watched a lab assistant fall to the ground, his insides ravaged by an entire herd of small demogorgons. Hopper closed the giant door, latching it shut, and letting everyone else who was still alive get out of the portal room.

"The lab!" He yelled out, his ears bleeding and hus breath heavy. His kitsune attributes fell down, tired of their use.

"Jonathan, let's go!" Nancy yelled at the top of her lungs, ordering the man back into the living room.

"Go where?" He asked, trying to catch up to the duo already outside the door. Groaning, he unlocked the car and got into the driver's seat, speeding out of the driveway and towards the lab when instructed by Nancy.

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