8: Lovers quarl

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S1 Ep6: The monster

Y/n looked in the mirror, raising his hand up to his face. In the more times he's used his powers his eyes have started to get a little fuzzy.

Deciding to ignore it for now he opened the bathroom door.

"We have to find it again. That place" Nancy said. Y/n didn't show any reaction and sat on the bed next to her.

"Dangerous" He said. Slowly taking off the bandages around his ears he was surprised to see the stitches falling out as the wound had somehow healed by itself.

"Not go inside. But lure it out. You see, it hunts alone like a bear and can detect blood like a shark. I'm thinking that if we can somehow lure it into a trap, we can hopefully kill it" Nancy pulls out a book and shows Y/n the animals shes listing. "But that's just a theory"

"Worth testing" Y/n nodded. Taking some clean clothes he disappeared into the bathroom and reappeared moments later.


"Zero, you must learn to control these powers. I'm not raising you to be a freak, I'm raising you to be a hero, all of you are capable of remarkable things, all you have to do is trust me" Brenner said. Zero shot weak orange fire balls at a piece of metal created like a target.

"But in order to be a hero, you must not be afraid of what is going on in the moment. Focus on one thing and one thing only" Brenner instructed. A small puff of flame ignited in Zeros hand before he tossed it like a baseball at a target. This time it made dark spot on the metal, showing that a small part of it had burned away.

"Nicely done, now put more power into the fire" Enlarging the flame Zero hurled it at the target making even more burn away.

"Now, I want you to practice this everyday and try to get a little stronger each day"


Searching a store for any possible supplies to aid in drawing out the monster. Setting some extra stuff into basket, Y/n walked up to the counter slightly hiding behind Nancy's shoulder with Jonathan on the left.

"What are you kids doing with all this stuff" The cashier asks.

"U-Um..." Jonathan struggles to come up with an excuse for all of the supplies.

"Monster hunting" Nancy bluntly says. Shrugging his shoulders the cashier starts to ring up the items.

"It's funny. Just a few weeks ago I was so entranced with Steve and tried to do things he liked, and now I'm shopping for bear traps with Jonathan Byers and some ancient Japanese creature boy" Nancy let's out a small laugh as Jonathan places the box of items into his trunk.

"I say this is way better than what you were doing before all this" Jonathan says, scoffing as they are about to enter the car.

"Hey Nance, can't wait to see your new movie!" One of Steve's friends yells from a car driving past them.

"The hell was that all about?" Jonathan asks. Turning away Nancy watches the car leave but goes across the street.

At the Hawkins movie theatre a sign has been put up so that all the eyes could see.

"All the right movies starring Nancy the slut wheeler"

Y/n had zero clue what a slut actually was but judging by the twos reaction, it was definitely not something good.

Hearing some laughing in the alleyway Y/n walks over to see Steve holding the same red spray paint from the sign in his hand.

Without thinking Nancy shoves past him and walks up to Steve, giving him a strong punch to the cheek.

"What is wrong with you?" She shouts.

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you? I was worried about you, but I can't believe I actually was" Steve responds.

"What are you talking about?" She asks.

"I wouldn't lie if I were you" One of the girls in Steve's group says. "You don't want to be known as the lying slut now, do you?" She giggles with her friend at Nancy who stands there in shock.

"Speak of the devil" A man says. Looking over Jonathan and Y/n have followed her into the alley and are now only standing a few feet away from the drama.

"You came by last night" Nancy starts off.

"Ding Ding Ding" The girl laughs, interrupting her.

"Look, I don't know what you think you saw, but it wasn't like that" Nancy states but this does nothing to cheer up Steve.

"What? Just let him in your room to... study?" Steve scoffs as Y/n starts to pull her away.

"Leave it" He nonchalantly says. Now on the move the three starts to leave but Steve is quick to follow behind.

"I knew there was something off about you when I saw you there" Steve shoves Y/ns shoulder.

"Talking to yourself in the corner like a little freak"  He shoved again.

"It's amazing how you got someone like Nancy despite being worse than Byers here"

"But I guess your just like her? Maybe a man slut" he shoved again. This time Y/n stops dead in his tracks and as Steve starts to throw more insults.

"Y/n, let's go" Nancy tries to pull him away but he doesn't budge an inch.

"Yeah, go with your little girlfriend freak, maybe you can have a gay orgy with Byers here" That was the last word Steve was able to get out before Y/n whirld around and landed a swift punch to his face.

Taking quick action Y/n brings his foot up to Steve's testicles and kicks it with the end off his shoes. Spitting out in pain he grabbed Steve's amazing hair and rammed his head into his knee.

Steve fell to the ground with his head hitting the concrete floor. Getting atop him Y/n repeated punches to his face making it a blood mess.

Hearing the distance shouts of Jonathan and Nancy he looks up to see a cop car behind him. Two cops managed to apprehended the small Y/n but Steve and his lackeys managed to get away.

Police station

Y/n say glaring at the two police officers who tried talking to him.

Not too far away Nancy managed to get an ice pack for the hit Steve managed to hit on Y/ns left eye.

"How long do you think he'll be in there?" Nancy asks the lady getting the ice.

"Why? You and your boyfriend have big plans tonight?" She asks.

"He's not my boyfriend" Nancy struggles to hide the rose creeping onto her cheeks.

"I think you ought to tell him that. Only love makes you that crazy, sweetheart" The front desk lady hands Nancy the ice pack and walks away

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