3: Safe and Sound

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S1 Ep3: Holly Jolly

"Help me! Please! Someone!" Barb screened in desperate attempts for someone to hear her.

"Nancy! Hello!? Get away from me!" A creature moved closer to her as she fought to get out of the pool.

It screeched and growled and when she finally got to edge it pulled her right back into, just in-time for a meal.


"Y/n?" A very tired looking Nancy opened her room to see the frightened Y/n. That thing he saw, whatever it was, didn't leave his mind.

"You alright?" She asked. Nancy wore a hoodie a few sizes to big for her and some shorts.

"No" Y/n touched his ears very carefully. A small amount of blood had started to leak from it as he rushed into the bathroom.

"Hey.. what happened? What's going on?" She persisted onward as Y/n ducked his ears under the sink.

"Monster. It fed on someone" Y/n let out. His now clean ears perked up, cautious of that monster suddenly breaking into the room.

"Monster?" Nancy asked. But Y/n dove no farther into what he saw, or technically, what he heard. Using his hearing Y/n could see the sound waves of everything in a dream like state, but any loud movement could cause his ears to bleed like crazy.

"Did you know the girls name?" Nancy asked. Y/n shook his head as he laid down on her bed, ducking his head under the covers.

"Did she say anything?" She looked under, Y/n met her gaze and turned away.

"Nancy" Y/n repeated barbs words, her best friend had been calling out her name when she was being eaten and she didn't know? Is that why she hasn't been able to find her all night?

"After school tomorrow we'll search where you saw her last" Nancy offered, Y/n didn't look at her but nodded and closed his eyes, in an attempt to sleep.

"Is there anyway you can hide these?" Nancy asked, Y/n pulled up his shirt to reveal his back which held many burn scars. The tails slowly molded into his body, making it look like they were just tattoos. His ears flattened themselves to his hair so it looked like he had normal hair.

Sneaking out through Nancy's window they met up behind the house just in time to see Mike and his friends ride off with El towards the forest.

Walking down the streets of Hawkins everything was scarily quiet. Nobody wanted their kids outside due to the disappearance of Will beyers.

Leaning down to look into her car Nancy found no trace of her best friend anywhere.

"Barb!" She called out, but nothing came up. "Barb!" She called even louder but again, nothing.

Opening the gate to the back of Steve's house the two looked around in the backyard.

Looking closely at the pool Y/n remembered the dream he had about the monster taking her.

"Here" He said. Nancy stopped and looked when Y/n pointed at the pool.

"She's here?" She asked. Y/n hesitantly nodded and closed his eyes. His ears perked up as it searched into the unknown location to hopefully find Barb.

While he was doing that Nancy wandered off into the nearby forest to see if maybe her friend had escaped there.

Rustling around the monster lurked in the forest, watching Nancy's movements as she walked deeper in.

"Barb?" She called out once more. A low growl was heard as the monster rushed past her and ran into the nearby bushes. Tripping over a log Nancy made a mad dash towards Y/n and pulled his arm, breaking him out of the trance like state.

"We've got to go. Whatever took Barb is here" Nancy practically dragged Y/n out of the house and escaped back into the street.

"Did you find anything?" Nancy asked the moment they were back home. Y/n nodded but held a gloomy expression.

"Barb is gone" He simply said. Nancy held her hand to her mouth as stray tears started to form under her eyes.

"Monster hurt Barb" He continued. The image of Barbs decaying body flashed in his mind as Nancy sat on the bed and held him tightly.

"Sleep with me tonight. Please" Nancy held him like a baby with a stuffed animal in the bed. Not in the position to oppose he simply nodded and closed his eyes

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