7: Down in the dumps

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S1 Ep6: The monster

Latching it's claws onto Y/n the boy gritted his teeth as he felt the claws sink into his skin.

Igniting his arm on fire Y/ns tails released themselves from his back and started to burn a bright flew. Recoiling back in pain the monster screeched and lunged Y/n once more.  Dodging downwards Y/n rolled under the monster and grabbed onto its back letting flames spread across its entire body.

Taking his right hand yellow electricity formed around it making some lighting coat. As the monster was distracted Y/n landed a devastating blow to the monsters face, ripping off one of its face petals in the process.

Feeling the blood rush under his eye the kitsune boy deactivated his powers and ran towards the gate. Getting one last swipe in the monster slashed at his ankle, causing him to fall face first into the gate. Using his remaining strength Y/n crawled out of the gate with Nancy and Jonathan waiting on the other side.

"Oh thank god!" Nancy exhaled as she pulled Y/n in for a deep hug. Neither of them said anything about the blood or slimy body's.

"I'm gonna head home. I assume you'll do the same?" Without looking up Nancy nodded and waited until Jonathan's footsteps left the area.

"Never do that again. Do you understand me?" Nancy let go of Y/n and started going all stern. With a smile he nodded and tried to get most of the wounds to stop bleeding with the extra supplies Nancy brought.

"Now, let's go home. I'm sure we're both tired" Limping on one leg and with the help of leaning on Nancy the two walked back towards the wheelers house in the distant forest.


"Again" Brenner ordered. Today was sparring day which meant the kids would go up against eachother in a non lethal battle.

Zero was placed against Eleven who have had some trouble bringing out her true potential. In a hope that Zero would push her over that edge with his aggressiveness Brenner sat down and held the timer in his hand.

"Begin!" He yelled. Running forward Zero side stepped Eleven and brought his foot under her legs and tripped her onto the mat.

"Again!" He yelled out. El closed her eyes and lifted her hand up in a chance that her powers would work and stop the attacker from hitting her.

Surprisingly, it had worked and Zero had stopped dead in his tracks, right before he could do the same move to her.

"Agh!" She yelled, pushing Zero back with both hands and sending him across the room. Landing on all fours zero stood up and dusted himself off.

"Well done" Brenner wrote something down something on a clipboard and signaled for them to get off and for the next pair to go up.

"You'll get stronger. I know it" Zero said to Eleven as they stepped back into the line of kids.

"Thank you" She cheerfully said. It had been a long while since she got an honest complement.


Y/n's wet hair covered his face, preventing a lot of eye sight. Bandages have been placed on his arm and leg but have started to get soaked already.

Wringing out his tails Y/n stepped out of the tub and shook his hair back in forth to get most of the water out.

Looking at the fox mask sitting on the counter he sighed and pushed it away as he started to put on some night clothes.

Opening the bathroom door Y/n comes face to face with Nancy making sure her hair is dried out as much as possible.

"Hey" She smiled weakly. Y/n sat down on the bed next to her and wrapped his tails around both him and her.

"Wow, it's so warm" The tails felt like a heated blanket when it's at its best heat, not only that but the tails were super fluffy and soft.

Unknowingly to them tho a pair of eyes was watching through the window. And it was none other than Steve

Feeling something between his tails Y/n looked behind him to see a new, fourth tail to sprout and wack him in the face.

"I'm not sure how much sleep we'll get but let's try. Okay?" Nancy asked, seemingly unaware of Y/ns new change.

Nodding he curled up into his tails and fell asleep next to the girl he felt so safe to be around

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