4: Bloody mary

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S1 Ep4: The body

"Ack!" Nancy has been messing around with makeup for hours, using Y/n as his test dummy. He accidentally blinked to hard and got some eyeliner under his eyes.

"Here" Nancy handed him a makeup wipe, not bothering to look him in the face. Both of them had been pretty shaken up but none mentioned last night.

Without warning Mike busted into Nancy's room with El, Lucas, and Dustin behind the door.

"Mike, get out of my room!" Nancy yelled in annoyance but Mike just walked over and saw what she had done to Y/n.

"How long have you known about him?" Mike asks, Y/n uses his tails to block El's hand from touching his face.

"The first night you brought him here" Nancy answers, she continues to put some blush on Y/n who reeled his head back in response.

"Well we kinda need him for something so will you make him not?" Mike waved his hand at Y/n's face who was now practically talking El from messing up his makeup.

"Fine, whatever" Nancy rolled her eyes in annoyance and grabbed Y/n by the back of his neck and forcibly pulled him back on the bed only to violently rub makeup wipes all over his face.


"We know that it reacts to fire. So Zero I need you to test your flames against it" Brenner instructed. Zero was faced with a massive portal infront of him, easily the size of multiple grown men and had a blood red hue in the inside. Dark branches stuck to the walls and slowly grew closer to where a base had been set up.

Going in without a hazmat suit Zero ignited his hand and brought it close to one of the veins. It almost beated like a heart, like something was truly alive in there.

The veins retracted back closer to the portal, making high pitched squealing in the process.

"That's enough for today" Wiping the blood away from his eye Zero returned back into base and swatted Brenner helping hand away as he walked farther back into the lab.


The principal of Hawkins middle school stood on a podium talking to the hundred or more Hawkins kids.

While El looked more preppy Y/n wore some of Mikes clothes, some jeans which he absolutely hated with everything in his body, a black and white shirt with a dark blue hoodie.

Two boys, not too far away from the group laughed about something while pointing at a picture of Will up on the podium.

"Mouthbreathers" El mentioned, Mike held a smirk on his face knowing that he subconsciously told her that.

After the makeshift funeral for Will students started leaving the gym class by class.

"Troy, hey Troy!" Mike called out. One of the bully's liked back towards him and held a shit eating grin.

"You think this is funny?"

"What'd you say wheeler?"

"I saw you laughing back there. I think that's pretty messed up thing to do"

"Didn't you listen to the counselor wheeler? Grief shows itself in funny ways. Besides what's there to be sad about? Wills in fairy land now right? All happy and gay" Troy mocks as he walks away laughing with his friend.

Mike stands there for a second before gathering enough courage to walk forward and shove Troy to the ground.

"You're dead wheeler, dead!" Troy yells out. Moving forward Y/n takes Mikes shoulder and pulls him back, a small spark lit inside Y/ns hand the moment he landed a punch to Troys balls.

The middle schooler fell to the ground, having a spasm while also managing to piss his pants in the process.

"Let's go!" Lucas tells, the counselor starts to walk over but the main group books it into the hallways before they could get caught.

"Here, we can finally use thing thing" Dustin powers up the very weird looking radio and turns on the overhead light.

"Can you find Will?" Mike asks to either one of the super-powered kids. Y/n nodded and took a seat infront of the radio. Setting it to static Y/ns tails and ears unfolded from his body as Lucas made sure to lock the door.

Perking his ears all the way up his mind entered a dark area. Everything around him that made even the smallest bit of sound like breathing, he could see. The radio started going haywire as he heard the sound of someone running.

"Mom!" The voice of Will cried out. Y/n ran out the school and started running towards the source of the sound. The world started to crack and break as Mike and his friends started screaming for Will.

Running even faster he ended up at the beyers house where Will was yelling into a wall.

"Mom! Mom!" Will yelled out. He paused for a second before rushing past Y/n and into the nearby forest.

Something was coming. The monster grabbed Y/n by the shoulders and let out a blood curdling screeched right into his ears, sending him straight back into the real world.

Waking up in a pool of his own blood Y/n looked around but could not hear the other kids yelling at him. All he could hear was ringing and the echoes of the monster screeching.

Blood continued to spill rapidly as his face went more and more pale. His body weight was shifted as he was lifted up onto a stretcher and raced out the school

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