11: New year, New me

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S2 Ep2: Trick or Treat, freak
A/n: There wasn't a lot to do with Ep 1 so I just moved to this. Hopefully y'all understand.

"Little shi-!" Y/ns mouth was covered by Hopper who told him to be silent.

"You won't catch it if you yell profanity's" He instructs. Groaning Y/n lit his in electricity and shot a straight bullet right into the deers head, frying the brain instantly.

Sticking his tongue out at Hopper the police chief sighs and goes over to collect their food for the next few days.

"Halloween" They are greeted by an older El who was wearing a ghost costume with 2 eye holes so she could see.

"Sure is" Hopper says, walking past her and into a room. He sets down a gun and other supplies and leaves the deer strung up on a pole.
A/n: I've never gone hunting before so this ain't my speciality here

"Trick or Treat" El continues. She stands there was Hopper places some waffles into a toaster. He also pulled out a multitude of berries from the fridge and started to wash them. "They wouldn't see me" She adds.

"Who wouldn't see you?" Hopper asks.

"The bad men"

After a short lived argument the three sat at a small table and started to eat. Y/n dipped his hands into a bowl of berrys and shoved them into his mouth.

"Don't even think about sneaking out to see your little girlfriend either. The bad men could use Halloween as an excuse to search for you" Hopper said. Y/n paused and gave him the stink look.

"Don't start with me. It can be dangerous, no matter how powerful you say you are" Hopper didn't bother looking up from his plate as Y/n rolled his eyes and kept eating.

Watching Hopper leave the cabin and drive off in his chief car Y/n put on some warm clothes and opened the window.

"Be careful" El warned.

"I will" He responded, holding a small flame in his hand as he walked out into the forest.

Although it was a very long walk the woods connected to the wheelers house which meant it was easy get between here and there without anyone seeing.


"Focus Zero, we've spent long and hard for this moment" Brenner spoke into an earpiece. Zero traveled deep into the upside down, father than anyone in the lab has ever gone.

The red lighting overhead crackled and boomed overhead. The dark clouds covered a giant dark figure overhead watching Zeros every move.

A few demogorgons could be seen in the distance, wandering around as if they were looking for food.

Hearing a low growl Zero turned to see a pack of smaller demogorgons crawling on all fours.

Slowly stepping back Zero tried not to engage but with the upside down everything is hostile. The small monsters chased Zero all the way back into the portal and into the lab.

"That's good enough for today. Get some rest" Brenner unhooked Zero and patted him on his back


"Does it look good?" Leaving the bathroom Y/n showed Nancy the Halloween outfit. It was one of the many same outfits Masako owned but was still pretty big on him. It dragged across the floor and revealed the giant scratch mark on his back. His long hair was able to counteract this as it covered the mark almost completely.

With it being a costume he was able to walk around freely with his tails and ears out.

"You look amazing" The compliment left Y/n a bright shade of red as Nancy finished putting her up into some type of bun and letting the rest fall down onto her shoulders.


A car honking outside signaled that they should get going. Opening Nancy's window he carefully jumped onto the ground and climbed into the back seat of Steve's car.

He had a somewhat worried look on his face as he motioned towards the 4 tails.

"Costume" Y/n said. Doing a 'mhm' Steve started up the car once Nancy got into the passengers side.

Party time.

"We got ourselves a new keg king, Harrington" Billy was the newcomer inside Hawkins but he quickly rose in fame by his good looks and expensive car.

Leaving Nancy and Steve to sort out their own problems Y/n squeezed through lots of older students and found a bowl of some kind of drink with smoke at the top.

"What's in this?" He asked.

"Pure fuel. PURE FUEL" The man wearing some Ancient Greece costume responded. He finished his cup and dived back into the party.

Grabbing a cup and dipping it into the bowl he took a sip to found out that it tasted rather sweet and good.

Downing the cup he dipped it back in to fill it all the way.

"Woah Woah Woah, take it easy Y/n" Nancy put a hand on his shoulder as he drank some more.

"What? Isn't this fun?" He asked, bringing the cup to his lips once more.

"Yes but that's alcohol Y/n, who knows what it could do to your body" Nancy carried a worried expression but Y/n just shrugs and continues drinking.

"We'll find out" He laughed and went off to dance in the sea of people who were already drunk.

"Heyy Jonathan" Surprise Surprise Y/n was extremely light weight and got drunk within about 15 minutes.

"Y/n? What are you doing here?" The loner boy asked. He stood in a corner avoiding most people partying.

"Partying, duh" He slumped forward a little and chuckled. Swirling the drink in his hand it suddenly refilled to the max as he took a sip.

"Have some, it's greatt" He slurred, bring the cup close to Jonathan.

"How'd you do that?" Jonathan asks. Y/n puts his finger up as he chugs them drink.

"Don't tell Nancy, but Masako teaches things" Y/n brings the Kitsune mask up to his head and ties it around his hair so it wouldn't fall off.

"What things?" Jonathan asks. Y/n turns his head around to make sure no one his paying attention.

Water seeps from his hands and creates a little dog barking.

"Kitsunes usually masters of multiple *hic elements" Y/n explains through some hiccups.

"Byeee Jonathan" With the water splashing in his hand and falling to the ground Y/n disappears into the crowd.

Soon enough Y/n was too drunk and Nancy had to drag him home. Thankfully her mother was asleep so all she had to do was carry him up.

"You'll need this when you wake up" Nancy placed a bucket on his side of the bed before she climed into it herself.

"Nighty Night, nanceee" Y/n giggled a bit before passing out right then and there.


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