2: Fixer upper

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S1 Ep2: The weirdos on maple street

"Get him!" Brenner yelled out. A young Y/n dashed through the halls of the lab, two tails behind him spat fire at the incoming guards. A blue flame stuck onto them, making them scream in pain.

Looking behind him multiple guards were about to catch up to him until a pair of hands grabbed his waist and held him firmly.

"Ah, Zero. Just in time for story time" A worker said. Something didn't seem right about him, his blond hair and dull eyes gave the boy a fright as gave up his escape attempt.

"Wouldn't want papa give a reason to be even more mad would you?" The worker asks. Y/n glared at the man before walking off into the rainbow room.


Shooting his eyes open Y/n squinted at the open light coming in through Nancy's window. He was in her bed and under the covers. Nancy was nowhere to be found so he sat up and studied the many items around the room.

His pure white hair had been put into a bun tied together by a small band. Red marks and patterns were visible on both his hair and his tails.

"Y/n? I brought some books to figure out what you are. Also some breakfast" Nancy entered the room, carrying a stack of books about mythical creatures from all sorts of mythology's. Along with a plate of ego waffles.

"Let's see, what should we start with" Nancy flipped through the pages of the first book but found nothing that resembles the boy who calmly ate waffles while also looking at the book.

Book after book neither of them could find what he was until the last book, one about Japanese mythology and creatures within it.

"Stop" Y/n put his finger on a page, Nancy looked closely at the creature. It was a yokai, capable of switching between man and fox at will. Depending on how many tails they had, the stronger and wiser the Kitsune was.

Yokai's were spirits of the afterlife, messing with humanity in either fun or bad ways depending on the Yokai

But Y/n was no Yokai, he was fully organic and could not switch into a fox at will.

Honking outside took Nancy's attention away as she grabbed many items around the room before stopping at her door.

"I'll be back soon, I promise" Nancy left without looking back, leaving Y/n alone in her room.


"You know this is the safest place for you. Why are you so keen on escaping?" Brenner asked. Zero sat in the corner of a single room with a one way mirror on the right wall.

Zero glared at Brenner with hatred he'd never seen from any of the kids. Taking a chair from a desk inside the room he sat not to far away from Zero.

Huffing in annoyance Zero turned to face the wall, anything to not look at Brenner horrible face.

"You'll come around soon enough. To see how I'm protecting you kids from the world" Brenner sighed and left the room, locking it on his way out.


"Are you out of your mind?" Lucas asks, Dustin shuts the door behind them and looks at Y/n and El sitting on Mikes bed.

"Just listen to me-"

"You are out of your mind!" Lucas yells before Mike gets a chance to explain.

"She knows about Will" Mike lets out

"What do you mean she knows about Will?" Dustin asks. Mike walks over to a nightstand and takes out a photo of some club.

"She pointed at him, at his picture. She knew he was missing. I could tell" Mike explains to his two skeptical friends

"You could tell?" Lucas raises an eyebrow at Mike who's frantically trying to explain.

"Just think about it. Do you really think it was a coincidence that we found them on Mirkwood, the same place Will disappeared?"

"That is weird" Dustin cuts in

"And she said bad people were after them. I think maybe these bad people are the same ones who took Will. I think she knows what happened to him" Mike seems to somewhat get through to Dustin but Lucas still doesn't believe it.

"What about him? Does he know anything about Will?" Lucas asks. They all look at Y/n who shakes his head in response.

"Why would only one of them know Will if they were together that night?" Lucas asks. "Maybe they led these bad people right to Will and now they'll be after us. We're going back to plan A, telling your mom" Lucas attempted to open the door but quickly pulled his hand back as the handle burst into blue flames.

Once the flames died out he managed to open the door but it quickly slammed in his face multiple times.

The trio looked over to Y/n and El, El had a small nosebleed but blood trickled out from Y/ns eye as a it had been changed from dark brown to the same firey blue.


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