Chapter 28

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Hello guys, I'm still alive.

I'm deeply sorry for leaving you in the air, I've been really busy with my studies lately and can't find the right time to make a chapter.

And this chapter, let's just say it's a rush one.

So I'm so sorry if this chapter is really unsatisfying. I will make it up to you guys soon. It's just that the research subject keeps me pressured so I've been down lately.

But anyways, here's the chapter.

Errors ahead.


But it was too late. Naughty Wuxian was already out of the room with Lan Wangji on his tail.

Lan Xichen just shook his head and gracefully drinks his tea.

'Ah, what a beautiful and peaceful morning indeed.'


After everyone left the ball, a big sigh was released from Grandmaster Lan.

"Having one Wei Wuxian is already a big handful, but now that there are two of them..? I don't think I can think straight anymore."

A laugh escaped from Lan Xichen's lips.

"But isn't it nostalgic? I mean, having Master Wei here surely brings back the memories of the days where Wangji and Master Wei are still studying here. They were innocent Young Ones, without the care of the world, and yet, because of the War, everything changed. Our lives changed, in a blink of an eye. Fighting against the evil, winning the war, because of Master Wei, but we also turned blind eye to everything. We all believed someone, who we don't know that long, and turned out back to someone, who we know long enough, someone who was hurting and all alone. I don't want to reminisce about the past, but I can't help but think of it, over and over again."

"It's not just you, I am too. Looking back, I regret all the bad things that I even did to Wei Wuxian. I always thought that Wei Wuxian was his mother. But now that I see it, Wei Wuxian is different from his mother. But they are the same in terms of personality. Loud, mischievous, smart and many more. I was truly blind back then. And I truly want to reflect on what i did. I hope the boy can forgive me."

Lan Xichen smiled at what he heard. His uncle rarely apologizes to someone, but indeed it is the right thing to do. They had failed the boy, again and again. But now, that they are given a second chance, it's time to correct those mistakes.

" Well then, Uncle. It's time for us to correct our mistakes, and maybe let's also start planning the wedding of Wangji and A-Xian. The best thing we could do is to give them the most beautiful and grand wedding they ever deserve. They've suffered enough. "

Lan Qiren looks at his eldest nephew, to see if he's serious. Grand Master Lan knows that Lan Xichen was serious, but still wants to confirm it. Before nodding and sipping his tea.

" I guess we should start doing that. I'm sure that Wangji and Wei Wuxian will be thrilled when they're going to hear the news. "

" For sure. Just thinking about it makes me imagine Wangji's expression. He will be so happy. I will be looking forward to it. "

After that, the Lans drank their tea peacefully, and started to think of what they needed to do first and how to tell the two the good news.

Speaking of those two, where are they?


"Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan, can you really believe it!? My future self is really pregnant in the future? Like how was that possible? I'm a man, so how come? Hmm... "

Wei Wuxian just keeps on rumbling while they make their way to the Jingshi. Their future self separated themselves to retreat to their own rooms, because pregnant Wei Ying is sleepy. And so are the kids. The juniors also made their way back to their own bedrooms to clean up and rest.

"Hmm, Wei Ying looks beautiful, especially when pregnant. " Lan Wangji suddenly said.

"Right? My future self is truly beautiful, hahaha. Too bad, I'm handsome in this era, right Lan Zhan? "

He looks at Lan Wangji, while moving his eyebrows up and down, as if saying ' right? right? '

Our great Hanguang-Jun just looked at him for a moment then tugged him close and put a hand on his waist.

" Wei Ying looks beautiful, future or now. Still the same. "

Because of that statement, our Xian-xian was a blushing mess. His face feels so hot. He can't help but look down.

'Oh my gosh, what the hell happened to Lan Zhan? How come his more shameless than I am? Ahhh, okay calm down Wei Wuxian, maybe this is the effect of the years I made him wait. '
" Aahhh.. . . Ahmed... Hehehe, Lan Zhan, don't say things like that, my poor heart can't take it. Hehe. "

"Hm. "

"Lan Zhannnn.. . "

"Hmm.. "

After that they continue their little walk to the Jingshi.


It's short, I know. Hehehe, no excuses for me. Sorry.

See you soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2023 ⏰

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