Chapter 20: Concurrent Consequences

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Asami was walking down a hallway within the keep. It was late at night, though she couldn't sleep. Her mind was too occupied with thoughts about Maverick Redmane and her mysterious visions of him. After a few minutes of walking, she bumped into Albedo. Funnily enough, they were wearing the same pajamas once more. "Hey! We're matching again!" Albedo exclaimed. Asami shook her head. "Can't sleep?" She asked, " too?" Albedo asked in response, "Yeah...I can't stop thinking about these visions." Asami answered, "The ones of the red-haired guy?" Albedo asked. Asami stared at her for a solid five seconds, a blank expression on her face. "No, the ones of the pink Unicorn flying across the sky. Yes, the ones of the red-haired guy. What the fuck else would I be talking about?" She asked, " never know..." Albedo answered, "Chichi-Chichi and I did some research on him, actually." Asami said, "Really...? How...?" Albedo asked, "It's a long story filled with a bunch of 'he said' and 'she said.' But essentially, after tying the dots together, we've come to the conclusion that the red-haired guy is Maverick Redmane - a hero of the past who fought for peace." Asami answered, "So M.R. stands for Maverick Redmane? you know what could be causing you these visions?" Albedo asked, "I have a theory...but it's a pretty big ass jump over the shark." Asami answered, "What is it?" Albedo asked, "After reading a bit about him, I've found that his story began just like what's happening to us right now. He met an Elf named 'Aera' who was fighting her way across various lands. However, upon meeting Redmane, they created peace." Asami answered, "I'm sure that's happened a lot of times, though..." Albedo said. 

Asami stepped up to her, making a fist and knocking on her forehead. "Hello? Is your brain home?" She asked, "Y-Yeah..." Albedo answered, "All the dots connect together. MR stands for Maverick Redmane. He was a hero of the past who wanted peace, just like what we want. He met an outsider who was causing destruction, like Moona, and made peace with her. And now he's showing me these he's showing me his path. Showing me what he did in this situation. I think he's trying to guide us to the best outcome." Asami said, "'s possible. I suppose it isn't a coincidence that he showed us that mural." Albedo responded, "Mhm...I think there are three. Though I could be wrong." Asami said, "What makes you think that?" Albedo asked, "The stories mentioned that he had four allies, and the five of them formed a council of sorts. But among the four allies, he was closer to two of them than he was to the others. And he and these close allies played pivotal roles in The War of The Numen." Asami answered, " you think there are two more parts to the story?" Albedo asked, "I do. The story only mentioned one of his close allies by name, though. 'Nyx Bellathorne, Crown Princess of the Big Blue.' I guess she was a Nereid, though there isn't a lot mentioned about her. As for the other's like he didn't exist at all. Outside of a passage stating Redmane had two close allies, the other one is never mentioned once." Asami answered. A lightbulb seemed to turn on above Albedo's head. "NB!" She exclaimed, "...What?" Asami asked, "NB! It was one of the initials on the mural! The first one I read! Nyx Bellathorne. N...B...!" Albedo answered, "There were dozens of initials on the mural. If that's the case...there could be countless more murals to visit." Asami said, "I don't think so. Like you said, he had two close allies who also played pivotal roles, right? I'm willing to bet there are two more murals that tell the story. Of course, if he had four allies in total then there may be four more murals to visit. Though I guess we'll just have to wait and see." Albedo responded.

Right on cue, a familiar man walked around the corner just ahead. He had shoulder-length red hair, with a well-trimmed beard. His skin was lighter, with crimson irises. He wore a white button-up, with black pants and matching boots. He was strikingly handsome, with a slight smile always on his face. Notably, he was missing his right arm. He had a ghostly aura about him as if he were some sort of spirit. Perhaps he was. After all, he was certainly more than a vision. Judging by all they had learned, this man was Maverick Redmane. "...I don't think we'll have to wait long..." Asami said, "Huh? Are you having another vision?" Albedo asked. Asami nodded. Though Redmane was only visible to Asami, Albedo could simply follow her as she did last time. As Asami expected, Redmane began walking away. She followed closely behind, with Albedo in tow. "How far do you think he'll take us?" Albedo asked, "I have no wasn't that far last time...maybe it's close by?" Asami answered, "Do you think the murals are all in the castle?" Albedo asked, "I'm not sure. I mean...surely someone would have stumbled across one already if they were, right?" Asami asked in response, "Hmm...maybe. But...isn't he technically revealing them to us? I don't really think it was the revealing spell that showed us where the first one was." Albedo answered, pondering her own questions. It felt like they both had so many...yet none of them were being answered. They rounded a corner, only for Albedo to run right into someone! It was Kei. She steadied Albedo with her arms, ensuring she wouldn't fall. "Albedo. Are you alright?" She asked, "I'm" Albedo asked in response, "I'm alright. I just woke up and noticed you weren't in bed, so I wanted to see if you were okay. Were you having a nightmare?" Kei answered. 

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