Chapter 25: Mother

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Gabriella and Goltač were following their mysterious feline ally deeper into the lab. It had just led them out of the surgical area, and into a research room of some kind. There was various equipment set up on tables, all of which had gone unused for quite a while. There were fewer skeletons in this room, and the tables were organized. It seemed this research area was not thrown into shambles like the rest of the rooms. "What do you think they were researching here...?" Gabriella asked, "How to kill a God, apparently." Goltač answered, "Well, I know I mean, I doubt you can just go to the library and find a book about it. What were they up to here...?" Gabriella asked, "Judging by what we've seen, they were likely studying amputation and transplantation. I don't imagine any major work was done in this room, though the work likely contributed to that end." Goltač answered. Gabriella let out a "hmm," as her heart sank. It was hard to imagine people voluntarily allowing Anwir to turn them into hybrid monstrosities. "Do you think...any of the test subjects consented to it?" She asked, "No...I don't believe so. He keeps 'pets,' which is just a word used to get away with slavery in this context. He probably used his 'pets' as test subjects." Goltač answered, "You don't think..." Gabriella stopped herself. Her heart rate was rapidly increasing. Despite the fact that she cut herself off, Goltač understood clearly. "The project was shut down. I doubt he's considered doing anything like that to the Neko." He said. Gabriella took a shaky breath. "You're have to be..." She responded. She looked around, her eyes landing on the cat. It mewed to ensure it had their attention. Before it could lead them away, however, a sound filled the air. It wasn't so far away now. The sound of something hitting or damaging metal. 

Both Gabriella and Goltač took a look back at where they entered the room. It was an open doorway, with nothing but darkness beyond it. It led directly into the surgical room, though they couldn't see inside. "Y-You don't think it' you...?" Gabriella asked. Goltač readied his blade, causing Gabriella to do the same. As they did so, another sound filled the air. Something had been knocked over in the surgical room, confirming their concerns. Whatever caused the massacre in the lab was merely one room away from them. After a few tense moments, footsteps could be heard. It was drawing closer. "Ready yourself..." Goltač said. Gabriella did exactly that, though her hands were shaking. She wasn't all that confident, seeing the destruction this monster had left in its path. And now they would see the monster for themselves...but it wasn't quite as they expected. A woman emerged from the darkness, her bare body dimly illuminated by Goltač's flame. She had lighter skin, nearly as pale as the snow. She had unkempt black hair, going all the way down to her knees and covering part of her face. Red eyes could be seen through her thick strands of hair, which glowed slightly. That wasn't the only part of her that was glowing, however. She had a heart in the center of her chest, which glowed red ominously. There was some kind of black substance swirling to and fro inside the heart as if it were corrupted. The heart beat three times as she entered the room with them, causing her veins to turn noticeably black. The veins drifted down to her fingers, which grew into long claws! The claws looked like her normal fingers, albeit longer with sharp tips. They lacked nails, or so it seemed. How sharp or deadly they were was unclear, though neither Goltač nor Gabriella wanted to find out. She walked in a weak manner, similar to that of someone who was on the verge of death. 

She stopped as her eyes landed on the two of them. She tilted her head unnaturally, staring at them through her hair. "...Midna..." She said. Her voice was like a whisper, too quiet to have a pitch or tone, yet perfectly audible. "M-Midna...?" Gabriella asked. The Woman slowly approached, wriggling her claws frighteningly. "St-Stay back...!" Gabriella exclaimed. Suddenly, the cat pawed at their legs aggressively! It mewed loudly, trying to get their attention. Gabriella's eyes darted between the cat and the Woman approaching. The cat rushed a few steps back, trying to get them to follow. "Do we run?!" Gabriella asked. Before she could get an answer, the Woman lunged for them! Goltač blocked her claws with his blade, stopping her in her tracks! "Run!" He answered, pushing her away. They ran in the opposite direction of the Woman. The cat stayed in front of them, leading them away. They exited the research room, heading directly into a hallway. The cat turned to the left with the others close behind. The Woman wasn't far behind either, speed-walking after them at a steady pace! "Do you think that's 'Mother?!'" Gabriella asked, "I believe so!" Goltač answered. He looked over his shoulder just in time to see Mother stumbling to a halt. She let out agonized, breathy moans as they continued running! "What's she doing?!" Gabriella asked, "I don't know! Keep moving!" Goltač answered. A few moments later, a gruesome, visceral sound filled the air - like someone's flesh was being ripped apart. They didn't look back, continuing to follow the cat all the way down the hall. It led them into another containment area. This one had tubes filled with various organs and monster parts. The tubes were separated, and not flush against the wall. The cat led them behind the tubes, ducking down as if to hide. It didn't really need to, though by that point it was clear there was something more to this cat. 

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